I know it's a sort of dream post , is it me but I can actually see every one wearing the syles they posting and working for you as fashions should.
I know we do not have the same budget as Marilyn so stpts off the cloud and back to earth again.
I do not think it shallow Miss sofia, it depends a lot on the community you live in large cities can be different to smaller towns, it dose not mean people are ruder or not, just different ways of doing things to get the same outcome.
Is there a manager/owner in the salon, if there is pop in and have a word with him or her, they will want to keep your custom so might be able to fix it so you get person you want, also they would not awant the stylist to fall out with each other so migh make up an excuse why you are...
I do not know a lot about hat shapes but I would say a average Lady would buy a hat that would go with several things, in my view ladies back them would just replace things that wore out with new ones and not replace entire outfits or buy entire outfit at once.
Has any one tried these RAGO Style 914 - Panty Brief Light Shaping/Removable Pads
why I am asking is clearly my derriere is a little flat and trousers do not fit around that area, and some skirt can hang a little odd also.
I am just wondering if haveing a little foam pads would be a little odd...
What fabulous tastes every one has, even if it's a dream I am really enjoying reading about what every one would like to wear.
I did not expect fur to come up as often then I did not know what to expect.
A vintage dream:- forget your figure or budget
Ok ladies step out of reality for once leave your figure and purse behind and enter the world of fantasy with me and post a photo of a outfit your wear in a perfect world?
I will start
For me it has to be be this late 40's new look...
I want to explore another area do you ever come across people who your vintage yle stseam to just go over their head, they do not comment either negative or a posive way,
it's like you not wearing vintage.
I bet you look great with your miniature top hat C-dot you should go for it.
today vails are popular but for wedding and going to the races,
I was thinking about trying to get a net that was not as see through a more finner mesh , i not sure if that correct maybe that too victorian morning ...
Thank you, it's nice to know that mine might be missing it's vail then , I do not like to alter things for the sake of doing it , putting it right is ok with me.
They say you cannot teach a old dog new tricks, I think in my case that's true becuse I am now 49 and since the age of 15 I have always worn tights or sheer pantyhose :o I agree that they might not be the most comfortable but over the years I have just got so used to them and any thing else...
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