Well yeah but what i'm saying is if United Nuclear pulls it off I might look into it hehe. that and one of their converters uses the wonderfully free solar energy so ^_-. Till then I'm going to keep working on my warp core lol
Well until Mirriam-Webster revises the english language again I'm going to have to stick with Wild Root on being called "pimp"
Main Entry: 1) pimp
Pronunciation: 'pimp
Function: noun
Etymology: probably akin to British dialect pimp small bundle of sticks, Middle English pymple papule...
Has nothing to do with hats but to get back to the original title of the thread...
Yesterday I was locking my house up and headed to my car, wearing my suit and a fedora and my neighbor asked me, "Going out tonight?"
That is the dumbest comment I've ever heard :P ... this week! ^_-
Well those floral knobs are really pretty...and I'm not personally a fan for floral patterns but *shrug* I like these. As for the glass yeah I know...they sell for around $50 out here and yeah its usually without hardware. Now that my doors are restored partially I'm going to go see a guy I know...
Heh, thanks for the swift responses. I was just wondering because one of my fedoras was dedicated to the brief Swing revival here in New Orleans and since that died off didnt know if it needed to be "saved" heh.
Well I like the feathers (never said they had to be on the hat) so looks like...
What is the general opinion of everyone here on having the nice little tri-feather attached to the band?
I actually like it...reminds me of the Big-Band era of Swing hehe
Just got my new Waterman... not really comprable to a Montblanc but hehe...this one I dont have to fear taking out of the box ^_-...
Found my new general purpose pen in it however :)
I might be posting out of place but I do think the ladies replying to this thread might have more respect for these items hehe.
I was out remodeling the shed behind my place and found my home's original doorknobs and cabnet knobs too... snapped some tiny shots of em but...well I think they...
Dont throttle me for this but I have a modern pocketwatch silver case with a gold "Command Officer" insignia from Star Trek The Original series, and the face of the watch is a gold raised Enterprise on a gold background with etched stars.
I wanted a little of my favorite time periods in one...
Again, before doing any major things have them appraised and ask the same question. Most of the time it helps items but always take it to a professional first. Err on the side of caution with vintage...
As for Sotheby's yes they charge...it says so on their page. And I'm pretty sure with a...
Wait a minute I'm from NOLA and Miami... what makes our weather the "abnormal" one? Pff you "seasonies" think yer so much better with your fall and your winter. Well we only have to have one closet...HA! Ha ha! hahaha! *attempts psycho laugh and fails*
Anyhow I'm a firm believer you need two...
Usually to diagnose a watch issue they dont charge, to repair it requires man-hours so they'll charge for that. However the appraisal value of a working watch in original condition is always higher than a nonworking one. Just make sure if you do decide to have it repaired that they use original...
Ah, well when pricing any item I plan on selling I usually take the item to an appraiser at a local auctioneer (look for ones with great reputations like Sotheby's) and have them appraise it. Thats usually a great way to get a good asking price. I'm lucky because one of Sotheby's appraisers...
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