shakeshead Who ever said it had to be the only thing you were going to do?
Oh, now if you're gonna go there ... Xanadu trumps that any day. Wouldn't even take a person until halfway through to wish they were dead! :D
Hear, hear! Me, too. There was a rather rustic cowboy bar here in town some years ago. When my husband and a friend were there (this was before my time, you understand), they ordered an imported beer. Know what they got? Michelob! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Ever heard of and/or tried Flying...
Don't answer if you can't answer civilly. Just because you think it's a stupid question doesn't mean you have to truthfully post that - unless, of course, you're interested in driving the member who posed the question away. Is that your goal?
Women fighting aging tooth and nail by dressing inappropriately is certainly not an exclusively British problem. The evidence is abundant on this side of the pond, too.
Yes, you do, if you choose to respond. That's just the way it is. You do not HAVE to answer any question you deem STUPID. But if you choose to, then you owe it to the member who posed the question, as well as the rest of us, to be polite. Polite does not mean you can't be truthful. Polite...
Asking an open-ended question designed to elicit personal responses isn't odd at all, particularly in light of the fact that there are so many individuals on this forum. It's wonderful, in fact, because it can generate some really great discussions. Like this one.
Perception is reality...
I didn't claim it was personal, I claimed it was inappropriate and a good example of snobbery because you essentially refused to answer the question on the grounds that you'd have better things to do than watch a movie. As geoff_icp pointed out a little later, that wasn't the point of the thread.
I wasn't pressuring so much as pointing out that he had not, IMHO, really answered the question.
As for busting chops, touche. Although I'm not sure I'd agree that it's guilt-free. ;)
We all are given the right circumstance, Riot. I'm a language snob. I'm not throwing stones because I commit no sins, I just felt the new member deserved better than he got - which, I might add, you did rectify in a later post. Thank you.
I beg to differ. Sticking up for a member by calling other members on the carpet for blatant snobbery has its place. I could have named names but I didn't. Yes, I did make it easy for anyone interested to track down the specific thread and offending members ... but I've already voiced my...
A Legit Example of Snobbery ...
In the Moving Picture forum, a newbie has started a thread asking which movie you'd watch and why if tomorrow was your last day on earth. I answered the question in the spirit in which it was posed and chose Philadelphia Story. Three other FL members followed...
Gentlemen and Lady: If the thread is so darn silly and you're not really going to play along and answer geoff_icp's question in the spirit in which it was posed, why bother posting at all? He's a new member in case you hadn't noticed and deserves better! :mad:
Probably Philadelphia Story starring Katherine Hepburn, Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant. What's not to love? Great dialog, fabulous clothes, a love triangle or two and a thought provoking stance on accepting flaws in others as well as yourself.
lol lol lol
ROTFLMAO lol lol lol :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap
Oh, my, gents, you do know how to bring a smile to a lady's face as well as make her laugh out loud in a rather unladylike way. :)
Yes! I believe it was Sir Winston Churchill who said you should wave the Vermouth bottle over the gin just to scare it, and that's the way I like to make a martini!
You and me and CassD drinking dry and dirty martinis - I can definitely picture it! :D
Ever try Tanqueray No. 10...
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