In the summer I simply use a credit card holder that folds in half. It's very small, not much bigger than the cards it holds, and yet it carries everything I need. I don't need much more than my license and a couple of credit cards. I use a moneyclip for my cash summer or winter. In the...
I am partial to leather winter gloves and here in Canada the cold weather definitely warrants them. Also, the compliments and comments I receive on them is incredible. With my British Warm winter coat, scarf and gloves total strangers have called me "dapper". Ironically the cold was my first...
I agree with you all, it does look vulgar. Doesn't it remind you of those horrible emails showing the various baubles that oil sheiks in the middle east have gold plated like combs, brushes, telephones and of-course cars? Gaudy junk and WAY overpriced.
I have the good fortune to live in Canada which may have the single best "social safety blanket/net" in the world. Many of you have mentioned the lack of personal responsibility you see in people now. Welfare, unemployment insurance and free government programs exacerbate the problem of...
Thanks mug. By coincidence I drove on queen today and noticed several young people with fedoras and trilbys on. Fantastic.
Can anyone else be more specific about places in toronto to find vintage and hats?
That survey seems very "top heavy" in that there are a lot of women who are very tall. My experience has been that the average woman is about 5'4" (here in Canada). However, all heights are welcome and beautiful.
Hilarious post.
I get the Inspector Gadget thing all the time, I wear a fedora and I frequently wear my Ray Ban aviators.
I better stay away from
Hello gentlemen.
Very nice rooms. Mine is the living room. It has built in shelves, a piano, bar, humidor, golden age radio set and typewriter. How do I keep the kids out? Simple, the TV is in another room away from dad's "old stuff". I have my room, they stay away, and everyone is happy...
There are definitely still in business. I was in a hat shop in Toronto, and they had just received some hats from them. However, the quality seemed to be lacking and the store salesmen gently steered me away from them. Pity.
I have been lucky to only get nice comments on my fedora. These are generally from older people who either are wearing one (men) or say that it reminds them of the hats their father/grandfather/uncle etc. wore (women). Occasionally younger women comment also, but my trenchcoat gets more...
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