The lady refers to her neighbor Henry Ford in the article: “He always wore a hat with a sizable brim and a black band, and he’d push it off his face when he talked to you, and looked you right in the eye.”
Very cool from a hat lover's point of view.
I agree. I love the movie and realize that it is a period piece not to be taken too seriously, just like The Shadow as mentioned by another lounger. The scenery and costumes are excellent and it has a real Golden Era feel.
I have noticed that Toronto seems to generally be very understanding. The remarks are typically well meaning compliments.
As for the suburbs, I don't care what they think. I ignore the rubes unless they make a stupid remark then I answer them back in kind depending on their remark and level...
I am absolutely astounded that they are still investigating this case after all these decades. And they broke the case with evidence from 1957. If you wrote a book about this no one would buy it because it sounds too incredible. Wow.
He seems to have a good reputation here in Toronto so far, but the hats are kind of pricey for such a new provider. I wish him well though and hope he succeeds. There are never too many hatters, and never too many in Toronto for sure.
No kidding, any work environment would be lucky to have it's employees dressed like that, wow. I wear them all the time and I am a banker in a nice boring conservative work environment where I wear a suit every day.
Also, take your time when smoking it. Don't be in a rush or it will heat up and taste bitter. It's OK if it goes out, just relight it. I have to relight 2-3 times on most cigars. Make sure you take the smoke into your mouth and let it swirl around like a fine wine or brandy.
Start with a...
Magnum, P.I. hands down. Living in a beach front mansion, in paradise, with a Ferrari, girls in bikinis everywhere and a fridge with an endless supply of beer. Best of all, no responsibilities as none of these things are his.
Agreed. I have a number of friends and acquaintances haven't opened a book since high school. They don't read with their kids or encourage them to read at all. I came from a different home. We all read all the time and my parents never had enough bookshelves, which is the exact same...
So true. Here in Canada, Eatons and Simpsons, department stores that were exactly like Sears, went broke. They were historic stores with many decades of service but their service and product levels plummeted and they are gone. They only have themselves to blame, as they were around well...
My grandmother did fight with my grandfather as well, but ironically most of the women of their era did a good portion of what is in the article even if they acted offended at what its main message is. I really don't think that makes them in any way inferior or subservient. It certainly...
Here in Canada, with a very multicultural society, the little shops come in all shapes, sizes and ethnicities. Its really nice to be able to go into one of these little places and talk to the owner who may also be the cook and get a personal recommendation based on what you like to eat.
It's a horrible contagious disease. Avoidance of all idiotic reality shows and tabloids will prevent you from catching it and the other strains: Hilton, Trump, Simmons.
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