perhaps it may help to refer to Felt Hat Basics, in the Hats section. Mr. Deckard and Company seem to have a wealth in information for their hats, and perhaps it would apply to yours. there are product and method recommendations.
i apologize if you've looked there and already found it...
the date of computer invention depends on whether you count the abacus or even the analytical engine.
it is a bit funny, i know. i wasn't truly anticipating contempt, i was joking. i am glad to know for certain you won't turn your nose up at me for my occupation!
scientists are philosophers, in my view. i rather like Dawkins. i enjoy his work because it's outside my general interest in theoretical physics, but still is exciting. ever since The Selfish Gene.
i don't think he can be discounted for being so. a philosopher is a lover of wisdom, i believe, and i daresay he was that. certainly, his idea of what wisdom is differs from mine, but i'd count him a philosopher.
one could also argue that the eating habits learned in basic training, where one must eat what one can in a period of approximately three minutes, are difficult to break. though, in rebuttal of myself, i expect one to be fairly far from basic by the time one is able to sit and eat in mess...
the US Army men and women wear pleats facing down per AR 670-1. however, the US Air Force must wear pleats up, per AFI 36-2903. i can't, at present, recall when this came about.
i see your point, and it's a sound argument. i may be persuaded to agree at some point, but at present i categorically refuse to do a parent's duty by teaching a child of any age how to behave in public. i would teach my own, had i any. i was perfectly willing to teach my troops how to...
good luck with that.
i've not been to a theatre in fourteen years. i always disliked the noise and distraction, and gave up the activity before i entered my teens. i would certainly pay for peace and quiet at a theatre. i suspect i'd not find films i'd like, particularly, but i'd be far...
otrfan is a lovely site! it's one of my favorites, too; thanks!
today, i'll share a site for both purchase and free downloading. otrcat is a nice way to sample shows, and learn a bit about their histories.
do you suppose it would be objectionable to start a thread on physics? the MOND versus Dark Matter issue could be seen as Vintage versus Modern physics, if viewed with a liberal eye.
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