I just realized something, with all the sightings of Hitler in just the late 40s through the 50s, could keep this show on the air for at least a decade! :D
Chasing Classic Cars. He went and looked at the Janis Joplin's psychedelic Porsche 356c Cabriolet, then to the auction where it sold for $1.76 million! I will say, it looks better in HD then I would have thought, still, I would not even pay the six figure price for a stock 356c!
Million Dollar American Princesses. We dismiss these women as nothing more then royal title diggers, but some were responsible for outstanding contributions to the arts! Peggy Guggenheim comes to mind!
The highest NAZI to evade capture was, Joseph Mengele. He died in 1979 in Bertioga , Sao Paulo, Brazil. Before you say ahha, proof that NAZI's evaded detection, the Israeli Mossad was always just one step behind him! He lived his years always looking over his shoulder! If Hitler had escaped...
The Japanese invented several years ago, toilets that flush when they felt you had enough time to do your business! So you had better read the sports section fast.
The Spanish Earth (1937) This is Republican propaganda, so take it with a giant grain of salt! Still, narrated by a young Orson Welles, and partially written by Ernest Hemingway. The cloths are good, real working class people, not actors, so authentic.
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