You are correct about cars. The cars from different makes in GM, Ford and so were different. They had mostly started out as different companies and the differences continued. Each division of GM had it's own engines. But they didn't make as many different models as they did later and when that...
I can remember my father talking with someone about Desotas. That was a long time ago but I also remember there was snow on the ground that day. I may not be remembering correctly of course.
Concerning wars, it is very likely true that the private soldier in the foxhole and trenches may not see...
Part of that may be human nature. We can't quite get our minds around the fact that both good and bad can exist within the same person. So for political and military leaders we either remember the best or the worst. And for those who are still living, it's the same thing: we usually just...
Well, the thing about Churchill, as well as Kennedy, Nixon (who were friends), Lincoln, and most of anyone else you would name, is that most everything is true but it doesn't mean they weren't human and never made any mistakes. They were, after all, leaders and did things that not everyone...
The problem might be nothing more than expressing what you really want. Being on a sinking ship would probably qualify as an adventure but what you really want is to keep your head above water. Generally speaking, for most people, keeping your head above water as you live your life is about all...
Are you saying that the internet is an inadequate source of information? We still get the paper, too, a small, local newspaper (The Washington Post). Curiously, no one here at work ever seems to talk about current events. This is where I was on the morning of 9/11. We were having a company...
Some of those streetcars look very futuristic, a word you don't hear so much these days, unless you read Popular Mechanics. All of those mass transit or more accurately, public transit, systems have been controversial and expensive these days. I wonder what people thought of them way back in the...
For some reason I remember the Berlin Crisis better. But I remember all the Kennedy things fairly well, from beginning to end, including Robert. I was in Berlin in the 1960s, too, and went through Checkpoint Charlie. The Berlin Wall was pretty sobering. I spent one Christmas in the Watergate...
I'm of the generation that says "neat." And when I hear someone say "cool," I think of the language of the late 1950s, beatniks and cool jazz (as opposed to hot jazz). You dig?
I don't listen to any of those things. Don't have a cell phone, don't wear a watch, don't watch television and I don't listen to the radio. What I'm doing now is it.
The Orient Express is still running, although it doesn't go to Istanbul. I'm not sure the Blue Train (the one in France--there are others) still runs or not.
Okay, but what's the point, then? Presumably the purpose of the system was to tell us what to do, not simply to tell us that something happened. I don't remember there being any government announcement telling us that we were either supposed to do something or not do something. Maybe there was...
What I want to know is, what happened to the Emergency Broadcast System on 9/11? It has actually functioned for weather alerts like tornados but it sure seems like the 9/11 emergency warranted something.
Some people have their adventures by climbing rocks and running the rapids in a canoe. One of my wife's co-workers of about 35 years ago disappeared on Mount McKinley, now called Denali. His body was never found. I already mentioned my wife's cousin who is currently in Afghanistan.
I'd say that...
One thing I recall was how the Boys Scouts were always being seen as helping out during civil emergencies by doing things like filling sandbags when there was a flood (and there have always been floods) and things like that. I wonder if that is still done. At any rate, civil emergencies are...
I will first have to admit having great interest in the sidekicks in the movies, too, like Gabby Hayes and especially Al St. John (Fuzzy). Anyway, my grandfathers both died before I was born. I sometimes hear my father when I talk, in a manner of speaking, but I know I'm not that much like him...
All of this stuff about the red scare and McCarthy were totally unknown to us who were in grade school in the early 1950s. I think I started grade school in 1952. So in addition to that, I have no memory of the Korean War and I have no idea when I first heard of it. I remember all the business...
We once took the Auto train to Florida about 25 years ago. The northern end of the line is just a few miles from home. It's a nice way to go. Dining car and everything.
I understand what you mean, although that was not what I meant at all. I was referring mainly to the way people tended to lived in the same neighborhoods for generations (if in fact that was what happened). But larger cities have the small town aspect in that they're someone's hometown the same...
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