Tom, good job on the crease, I like it.
Andy, nice photos. Your Akubra is the right hat for those outdoor activities!
Old Echter Mayser stingy brim from the 50s!
Mike, very nice, great combo and look with the shirt!
Bone Man, sharp dressed! I think.. best dressed man in Australia!
Rusty, yeah, the Wedding hat, that hat looks great on you and now, the hat has a history that you never forget!
HT, very nice photos. The right backdrop for your hat...
Thanks Steve. The Mayser hat is just a, yes , just for fun hat. The sweatband has wrinkles, the edge binding is faded out. The Borsalino is in much better condition as the Mayser!
Sam, Charlie, Michael, Eric, Alan, David, Robert, TJ and Jared!
I am late today, but not to late to see, what for fantastic hats you have worn! Fantastic selection, my friends!
Jared, my congratulation! You can be proud!
I found two old hats on a flea market! The first one, a old Echter Mayser Superbe with stingy brim and an Echter Borsalino Export Quality, both hats
are very dirty! The old Mayser ist stamped, but it's difficult to read, I guess it means 1954! The ribbon was bleached after years from the sun...
g-durand, Jeff, David, Che, Jared and TJ, so many Birthday wishes. My sincerest thanks my dear friends! It was a great
Birthday for me with all the congratulations from you Thanks again on all!
g-durand, fine, fine fine looking Adam!
Monk, cool FPH. I understand why he gets a lot of head...
Sam, Mike, Rusty and Jeff, not belated my dear friends, It's my birthday today and you are not to late.
In Germany we have 7.30 pm. I thank you all from my deepest heart for your Birthday wishes.
Alan, wonderful Strat, the whole outfit looks very elegant!
Sam, lovely hat on my Birthday...
Steve, Charlie, Richard, TJ, Tom, Perry (- Lion Brother) and Andy, thank you all for the nice comments and Birthday wishes! My sincerest thanks!
David, I know that, sharp Worth & Worth!
Eric, stunning VS, sharp look all around!
Joao, nice photo, that area reminds me on an Western movie, the...
Perry, that fine Stetson looks great, also the thin hatband cord!
Andy, love the style of the squatter!
Tom, great looking Biltmore!
Sam, a fine Fed! That color works with all!
Josh, nicely done! You have the fine feeling for these conversion!
Jeff, right so, this poor guy need more head...
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