“Age is just a number.”
Okay, and so is an account balance. Disregard either for very long and learn that “just a number” is just as real as real can be.
And then there was that other old girlfriend who for a spell wrote employee handbooks and such for an “employee relations” (another euphemism) outfit, until she took a job with a for-profit “educational institute” (ditto) run by a guy whose books and trite motivational radio spots she wrote...
An old girlfriend was an “HR professional.” She had a master’s in “industrial relations,” which was something of a euphemism. She worked for the bad guys, and she knew it. She escaped to an ashram.
That fellow made numerous other outrageous assertions in one of those threads on the pandemic that got deleted in their entirety. That was to the better, seeing how those exchanges had become both acrimonious and platforms for misinformation.
Much as I might take exception with a handful of characters here, those who have gone and those who remain, this place has shown itself to be inhospitable to out-and-out BS’ers.
I recall one fellow who boasted of having some high-level military security clearance. He would have us believe that...
The prevailing subject matter in some of the forums has changed some since then, which might account for some of it.
I appreciate what I take to be the generally more informed and nuanced perspectives on the “golden era” and “greatest generation.” Others might feel differently, which might also...
Maybe some day I will actually understand all this techno talk. But probably not. Glad I don’t have to. I just more or less figure out what I need to know when I need to know it.
FWIW, things seem faster on my end. That’s all to the better.
I’ve considered an “airtight” fireplace insert, as an emergency backup heat source (it occasionally dips below 0 degrees Fahrenheit here, as it did night before last). But this is our seventh winter here and have yet had such a need.
I haven’t looked into what those things cost these days, but...
And of course we all remember when VW Beetle bodies were separated from their pans and fiberglass dune buggy bodies bolted on to take their place. Those things were pretty much a daily sight 50 years ago.
I fear for what’s left of my brain should I acquire a taste for streaming.
On-demand cable offerings on big ol’ flat screens is already more than enough like cocaine. I’m tempted to advise the boys and girls in the boardroom to offer the first taste free.
It doesn’t seem that long ago when a 27-inch Sony Trinitron was the gold standard. But I guess it was.
We keep in front of the fireplace screen the 32-inch screen the dewy-eyed bride’s dad (RIP) gave her in ’09. It kinda disappears when not in use, and we never use the fireplace anyway...
Give ’em the razor, sell ’em the blades.
Video hardware these days is just splendid, and less costly all the time. But what to watch on it? And at what cost?
Movies are now being released for at-home viewing on the same day they appear in theaters. Not all, of course, not yet. And maybe...
I could have bought this Lane leather chair and ottoman for 30 bucks last night, had I not dragged my feet and let someone else make the deal first.
I’d be kicking myself if not for my confidence that similar deals will come my way.
How much are they new? Something pushing a grand, maybe?
I bought a brand-spankin’ new bed (adjustable!) for the first time in my life three or four years ago. I was into my seventh decade drawing breath at that point.
Bought a new IKEA couch for the short-term rental unit (which hasn’t been occupied in more than a year, what with the...
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