Thanks for the welcome and the tips
This is exciting for me too. I've had these stories saved up for a long time (I'm 81) and its nice to have a group that wants to here them. Once I get the hang of it I will start posting photos. Phil Knapp, my gandpa, doted on my older brother Pete and I. I...
James Howard Knapp
I feel very fortunate to have discovered this web site. I have a lot of information about the Knapp hatters and C&K but I do have some problem getting used to navigating and adressing specific comments such as Brad's ( about wanting C&K and Cavanagh information.
I did...
Derby vs. Bowler - how can you tell which it is?
The answer is very simple; Bowler is the name given to the this "stiff" hat in Britain; Derby is the name given to it in America. My grandfather, James Howard Knapp, copied the British style and created the name when he introduced them in New...
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