Fit check on a new to me Aero Premier Half Belt recently purchased from the classifieds. Awesome grain. (please forgive the rambling)
Became interested in leather jackets about 5 years ago. Acquired a couple really ill fitting ones, found the Fedora Lounge...learned a lot (thank you all), acquired some better fitting ones, and saved up to purchase a mto jacket. Then got married, moved to the mid west, had a kid, weathered the pandemic, began working from home and gained some weight - so, as quickly as many of the jackets were acquired, as they no longer fit, away they went. Had a serious (non weight related) health scare...and after many check ups and doctor visits to satisfy insurance coverage requirements I realized the "no-big-deal 15 lbs" I had gained, was in reality more like 35...and committed to do something about it - an, if not for me then for my kiddo sort of thing.
Now 18 mo later I'm on the other side - all clear medically and feeling pretty good. Ran a 44min 10k which I will grant you is neither spectacular, nor has any real relevance here...but my wife cares even less about that than the fit of this jacket so have to tell somebody.
Not 100% on what my measurements are (don't think I even quite had them dialed on my mto) so any fit advice would be greatly appreciated. Hoping my wallet can weather another jacket.
I'm 5'9" on the nose and about 155lbs
I know from getting bike fit that I'm on the short torso long limbs side. Typical department store (vanity size) pant size is 29X32 depending on fit. On nicer denim or trousers that I don't plan on wearing with boots I usually go for 32.5 inseam
the blue chinos pictured have a 15.5" waist band and 32.0" inseam
the pictures in the green pants reflect the half belt as shipped (about 18" waist and 18.75" hem) the pics from today (blue chinos) reflect the half pulled pretty tight, folding in on the side panels to be about 3/4" tighter in both measurements. Not sure if the folded sides are causing a problem. Thus far no issue in movement or anything but not sure if I would be hurting the integrity of the pattern with this set up. Sleeves feel about 0.75" short maybe - but as a smaller guy I'm worried about looking like I stole my dads jacket so would rather error on the too short side than too long.
Lastly this leather is awesome. First CXLFQHH experience and it's truly great. No issues with weight or aero neck pressure issue - really feel like I got a steal.
thanks again for all your help! really have enjoyed lurking here over the past couple of years
For context:
PIT TO PIT 20.00"
SLEEVES 24.25"
BOTTOM HEM (Green Pants) 18.75" (Blue Chinos) 18.00"
5ft 9", 155 lbs
Not sure I'm taking shoulder measurement, roughly 16.50"

Became interested in leather jackets about 5 years ago. Acquired a couple really ill fitting ones, found the Fedora Lounge...learned a lot (thank you all), acquired some better fitting ones, and saved up to purchase a mto jacket. Then got married, moved to the mid west, had a kid, weathered the pandemic, began working from home and gained some weight - so, as quickly as many of the jackets were acquired, as they no longer fit, away they went. Had a serious (non weight related) health scare...and after many check ups and doctor visits to satisfy insurance coverage requirements I realized the "no-big-deal 15 lbs" I had gained, was in reality more like 35...and committed to do something about it - an, if not for me then for my kiddo sort of thing.
Now 18 mo later I'm on the other side - all clear medically and feeling pretty good. Ran a 44min 10k which I will grant you is neither spectacular, nor has any real relevance here...but my wife cares even less about that than the fit of this jacket so have to tell somebody.
Not 100% on what my measurements are (don't think I even quite had them dialed on my mto) so any fit advice would be greatly appreciated. Hoping my wallet can weather another jacket.
I'm 5'9" on the nose and about 155lbs
I know from getting bike fit that I'm on the short torso long limbs side. Typical department store (vanity size) pant size is 29X32 depending on fit. On nicer denim or trousers that I don't plan on wearing with boots I usually go for 32.5 inseam
the blue chinos pictured have a 15.5" waist band and 32.0" inseam
the pictures in the green pants reflect the half belt as shipped (about 18" waist and 18.75" hem) the pics from today (blue chinos) reflect the half pulled pretty tight, folding in on the side panels to be about 3/4" tighter in both measurements. Not sure if the folded sides are causing a problem. Thus far no issue in movement or anything but not sure if I would be hurting the integrity of the pattern with this set up. Sleeves feel about 0.75" short maybe - but as a smaller guy I'm worried about looking like I stole my dads jacket so would rather error on the too short side than too long.
Lastly this leather is awesome. First CXLFQHH experience and it's truly great. No issues with weight or aero neck pressure issue - really feel like I got a steal.
thanks again for all your help! really have enjoyed lurking here over the past couple of years
For context:
PIT TO PIT 20.00"
SLEEVES 24.25"
BOTTOM HEM (Green Pants) 18.75" (Blue Chinos) 18.00"
5ft 9", 155 lbs
Not sure I'm taking shoulder measurement, roughly 16.50"

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