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- 34,047
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- Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Russian communiques and special dispatches today reported important victories against six German divisions numbering upwards of 90,000 men. The great Russian counterattack in the Smolensk-Gomel area is said to be deepening a big salient against the German line. A report from the Moscow radio monitored in London stated that Red Army forces have broken thru the second German defense line at Gomel, and that Nazi reinforcements are being rushed to to the front. A report from General Constantin Rokossovsky, commander on the central front, stated that German forces along the road to Moscow have been pushed back "considerably" by Red Army counterblows over the past six weeks, and that they continue to retreat.
British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden warned today that the present war will "engulf the entire world," as he called on Britain and the United States for ever-increasing production as the "key to victory." Addressing a crowd at the scene of a German air bombardment at Coventry, Mr. Eden warned that the present production of armaments and associated materiel by the Allied and associated powers still falls short of meeting present requirements, and observed that the entire production of Britain and the United States "twice over" could be used to further the war efforts of Britain and Russia against Germany.
In Japan, there are persistent reports that the Tokio government and the United States have reached "a basic understanding" as a result of conferences in the Japanese capital and in Washington. A spokesman for the Government information board stated that the reports are "probably premature," but added that diplomats of the Axis nations believe that an "agreement in principle" between Japan and the United States is imminent if it has not already been achieved. A pessimistic note was sounded by Britain, in ordering all non-essential British subjects in the Japanese Empire and Manchuko to leave those territories at once. A special British evacuation ship was reported to be en route today to Japan.
Members of the Kings County Republican Law Committee have succeeded in throwing out approximately 400 questionable signatures on petitions nominating Democratic Borough President John Cashmore for a place on the Republican county primary ticket, and now say as many as 2000 signatures on those petitions may be forged. Hearings continued today in Brooklyn Supreme Court before Justice Edward L. Garvin with Republicans presenting a list of 600 additional names to Democratic legal representatives for further examination. It was noted, however, that even if all the challenged signatures were ruled invalid, there would still remain sufficient signatures to place Cashmore on the GOP ballot.
An overflow crowd packed St. John the Evangelist R. C. Church in Park Slope today for funeral services for Mrs. Mary Morey and her three children, who died when Mrs. Morey went on a rampage with an ax and a knife earlier this week in the poverty-stricken family's apartment after becoming convinced that her husband had brought an incurable disease into the home. A special detail of ten policemen held back the crowds as the mourners entered the church following a procession from the John J. Jurak Funeral Home. Following the funeral Mass, burial services were held at St. John's Cemetery, Middle Village.
A dapper, bespectacled bandit is being held in Bellevue Hospital today after a shootout with police in a Harlem tenement. A policeman and a fireman were wounded in the exchange of gun fire, following two holdups and the theft of a car early this morning in Greenwich Village. The bandit, 35-year-old Edward V. Young of Manhattan, a longshoreman with a long and violent criminal record, paused during his rampage up the East Side to apologize to a woman in a Jamacia Avenue tavern for his behavior, and to buy a round of drinks for the house. The chase ended in Harlem, where Patrolman Charles Castora and fireman Albert Boston -- "a Negro" --confronted the bandit in a at 2nd Avenue and 112th Street. Both men were wounded in the gunfire and Young took shelter in a building on 106th Street, where he was finally captured Patrolmen George A. Santanna and Thomas Willmoth. Young was shot in the arm during his capture, and immediately removed to Bellevue.
(I look forward to Mr. MacPhail's reply.)
(Doc has no truck with deniers of germ theory. Fortunately, of course, they won't be around for long.)
(Social Media, 1941.)
("Dive Bomber" is one of those Warner Bros. pictures where you can pretty much reconstruct the entire plot just by reading the cast list.)
Reader L. M. Pierce writes in to complain that something needs to be done about the scalpers from Manhattan and New Jersey who swoop into Brooklyn to buy up blocks of tickets at Ebbets Field for big games, forcing real fans to pay hijack prices. He went to the ballpark last Saturday to try and get tickets for the big Cardinal games, and after standing on line for an hour and a half got to the window to find that all 10,000 $1.10 seats were sold out. A scalper then offered him a seat for $5. "It is my understanding that scalpers are forbidden by city ordinance from demanding any price in excess of 75 cents above the prescribed price of any ticket," he growls, and suggests that state and Federal tax authorities need to get involved. "It looks like a barefaced racked -- which officials at Ebbets Field must have some knowledge of!"
("Ya sure ya do'wanna go?" wheedles Joe. "Solly's got tickets." "Hah," groans Sally. "I should ride 'nourn'ahalf onna subway alla way up t'ere ta sit innat smelly dump." "But it ain't onna radio," argues Joe. "T'em Giants, t'ey don' allow broadcass!" Sally groans again. "STOP KICKIN', KID!" she moans. "WE'RE GOIN' NEX' WEEK!")
(Florida? Be sure to drop in on the Slaggs.)
(The disturbing calm with which Jo is reacting to all this is the sign of a woman who has already reached a decision.)
(Seems Wilmer Bobble has a little brother.)
(Violent vigilantism, Irwin? Sorry, Batman's working this side of the street.)
British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden warned today that the present war will "engulf the entire world," as he called on Britain and the United States for ever-increasing production as the "key to victory." Addressing a crowd at the scene of a German air bombardment at Coventry, Mr. Eden warned that the present production of armaments and associated materiel by the Allied and associated powers still falls short of meeting present requirements, and observed that the entire production of Britain and the United States "twice over" could be used to further the war efforts of Britain and Russia against Germany.
In Japan, there are persistent reports that the Tokio government and the United States have reached "a basic understanding" as a result of conferences in the Japanese capital and in Washington. A spokesman for the Government information board stated that the reports are "probably premature," but added that diplomats of the Axis nations believe that an "agreement in principle" between Japan and the United States is imminent if it has not already been achieved. A pessimistic note was sounded by Britain, in ordering all non-essential British subjects in the Japanese Empire and Manchuko to leave those territories at once. A special British evacuation ship was reported to be en route today to Japan.
Members of the Kings County Republican Law Committee have succeeded in throwing out approximately 400 questionable signatures on petitions nominating Democratic Borough President John Cashmore for a place on the Republican county primary ticket, and now say as many as 2000 signatures on those petitions may be forged. Hearings continued today in Brooklyn Supreme Court before Justice Edward L. Garvin with Republicans presenting a list of 600 additional names to Democratic legal representatives for further examination. It was noted, however, that even if all the challenged signatures were ruled invalid, there would still remain sufficient signatures to place Cashmore on the GOP ballot.
An overflow crowd packed St. John the Evangelist R. C. Church in Park Slope today for funeral services for Mrs. Mary Morey and her three children, who died when Mrs. Morey went on a rampage with an ax and a knife earlier this week in the poverty-stricken family's apartment after becoming convinced that her husband had brought an incurable disease into the home. A special detail of ten policemen held back the crowds as the mourners entered the church following a procession from the John J. Jurak Funeral Home. Following the funeral Mass, burial services were held at St. John's Cemetery, Middle Village.
A dapper, bespectacled bandit is being held in Bellevue Hospital today after a shootout with police in a Harlem tenement. A policeman and a fireman were wounded in the exchange of gun fire, following two holdups and the theft of a car early this morning in Greenwich Village. The bandit, 35-year-old Edward V. Young of Manhattan, a longshoreman with a long and violent criminal record, paused during his rampage up the East Side to apologize to a woman in a Jamacia Avenue tavern for his behavior, and to buy a round of drinks for the house. The chase ended in Harlem, where Patrolman Charles Castora and fireman Albert Boston -- "a Negro" --confronted the bandit in a at 2nd Avenue and 112th Street. Both men were wounded in the gunfire and Young took shelter in a building on 106th Street, where he was finally captured Patrolmen George A. Santanna and Thomas Willmoth. Young was shot in the arm during his capture, and immediately removed to Bellevue.
(I look forward to Mr. MacPhail's reply.)
(Doc has no truck with deniers of germ theory. Fortunately, of course, they won't be around for long.)
(Social Media, 1941.)
Reader L. M. Pierce writes in to complain that something needs to be done about the scalpers from Manhattan and New Jersey who swoop into Brooklyn to buy up blocks of tickets at Ebbets Field for big games, forcing real fans to pay hijack prices. He went to the ballpark last Saturday to try and get tickets for the big Cardinal games, and after standing on line for an hour and a half got to the window to find that all 10,000 $1.10 seats were sold out. A scalper then offered him a seat for $5. "It is my understanding that scalpers are forbidden by city ordinance from demanding any price in excess of 75 cents above the prescribed price of any ticket," he growls, and suggests that state and Federal tax authorities need to get involved. "It looks like a barefaced racked -- which officials at Ebbets Field must have some knowledge of!"
(Florida? Be sure to drop in on the Slaggs.)
(Violent vigilantism, Irwin? Sorry, Batman's working this side of the street.)