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- Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Baghdad has fallen to British forces, according to a report from Cairo, and London has announced that the Iraqi government has requested a formal armistice with Great Britain. The announcements come following a night of fierce fighting between British forces and troops loyal to pro-Nazi Iraqi Premier Rashid Ali, with control of Iraq's vast oil supplies at stake. It is reported in London that Rashad and leading members of his government, along with the German and Italian ambassadors, all fled the capital city as British forces pounded at its gates.
The Nazi High Command reported today that German forces now control virtually all strategic points in Crete, and are "hammering relentlessly in pursuit of the beaten enemy." Luftwaffe bombers were reported today to be pounding British troop concentrations making for the ports of Southern Crete, possibly to prepare for evacuation.
Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes was appointed today the virtual dictator of the entire United States oil industry, as President Roosevelt continued implementation of his unlimited national emergency defense programs. Mr. Ickes will serve as Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense, with full authority to ensure that defense needs are fully prioritized and supplied by America's $10,000,000,000-a-year oil industry. At a press conference earlier this week, Mr. Ickes suggested that drastic oil conservation measures to ensure an adequate supply for defense needs are being considered, and the President, in a letter to Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn indicated that petroleum rationing along the East Coast is "a distinct possibility."
Three bandits attempting safecracking on a wholesale scale were frightened off today with only $150 in loot when a watchman broke free of his bonds. The robbers succeeded in opening two of four safes in the office of the Long Island Coat, Apron, and Towel Supply Company at 48 Eagle Street in Greenpoint, after having waylaid and beaten the watchman, 55-year-old Louis Silverman of 602 Georgia Avenue. With Silverman tied to a bench in the basement and gagged, the bandits set to work on the safes, but the watchman managed to roll over the bench, causing a loud clatter that startled the robbers into running away. As soon as Silverman managed to work loose of the ropes, he telephoned the police. The two unopened safes contained more than $1000.
The director of LaGuardia Field denies reports that pilots at the airport have organized a "Copperheads Club" in support of the views of Charles A. Lindbergh. Major Elmer Haslett maintained today that all the pilots at the field are "100 percent behind the President," and advised Lindbergh to abandon politics and focus on aviation.
G-Men in Andover, New Jersey will grill a suspect arrested today at Camp Nordland, number 1 Eastern camp of the German-American Bund, after he attempted to destroy a letter described as "very important." 38-year-old Paul Huissel, described as a toolmaker from Poughkeepsie, was seized by county sherrif Denton Quick and a group of American Legionnaires deputized for the raid on the camp and turned over to Federal agents along with a quantity of Nazi literature, swastika flags, and pictures of Hitler. About a hundred persons who had gathered at the camp for the holiday weekend, most of them women and children were dispersed by the raiders.
(Civil War veterans are to 1941 exactly as WWII veterans are to 2021. Disturbing, isn't it?)
Reader P. G. writes in to Dr. Brady's Column, asking what he means when he says "it's stupid to have piles." The good Doctor advises P. G. to send a 3 cent stamp and ask for his monograph, "It's Stupid To Have Piles."
(Helen Worth, he ain't.)
The Eagle Editorialist praises Federal authorities for taking action against German agent Dr. Kurt Heinrich Reith, and hopes that it marks the start of "a forceful new policy of cracking down against foreign agents here."
(At Mr. Cashmore's office, the Borough President crumples the paper in frustration. "Call Margie Hart," he grumbles to his secretary. "Tell her next year is all off.")
(Fedora Lounge member Baldguy1941 is deeply offended by this cartoon.)
(When your whole act is built around looking like Shirley Temple you've got to get what you can while you can.)
100,000 children from local churches and Sunday Schools will march next Thursday to mark the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the Brooklyn Sunday School Union, under the theme "Christ, the Light Of The World."
(And aside to "Old Timer" -- no half-clad prancing women are scheduled to appear. Schedules are subject to change without notice.)
("Ha!" says Joe. "HAH!" adds Sally. Have a nice summer, Mr. Terry!)
This is still not quite the all-time-highest record for a single broadcast, which still belongs to King Edward's Abdication Speech in 1936, which may have been heard by 150,000,000 people around the world, but it's the most-listened-to American-originated broadcast. So far.
Leo Durocher will be his lippy self next Wednesday when he is the guest star on Fred Allen's hour over WABC. Leo will match wits with Mr. Allen in an exchange expected to reveal what umpires in the National League already know about Mr. Durocher's skill at verbal give-and-take.
(No problem, Slappy, just kick yourself in the face.)
(Just like that.)
(And join us tomorrow for the exciting new strip -- MARY WORTH, LOBBYIST!)
(In the millennium or so that English has existed as a modern language, this is the first time the sentence "Why should you worry about his egg problem, Kay?" was ever assembled. I suspect when I wrote it just now there was only the second.)
The Nazi High Command reported today that German forces now control virtually all strategic points in Crete, and are "hammering relentlessly in pursuit of the beaten enemy." Luftwaffe bombers were reported today to be pounding British troop concentrations making for the ports of Southern Crete, possibly to prepare for evacuation.
Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes was appointed today the virtual dictator of the entire United States oil industry, as President Roosevelt continued implementation of his unlimited national emergency defense programs. Mr. Ickes will serve as Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense, with full authority to ensure that defense needs are fully prioritized and supplied by America's $10,000,000,000-a-year oil industry. At a press conference earlier this week, Mr. Ickes suggested that drastic oil conservation measures to ensure an adequate supply for defense needs are being considered, and the President, in a letter to Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn indicated that petroleum rationing along the East Coast is "a distinct possibility."
Three bandits attempting safecracking on a wholesale scale were frightened off today with only $150 in loot when a watchman broke free of his bonds. The robbers succeeded in opening two of four safes in the office of the Long Island Coat, Apron, and Towel Supply Company at 48 Eagle Street in Greenpoint, after having waylaid and beaten the watchman, 55-year-old Louis Silverman of 602 Georgia Avenue. With Silverman tied to a bench in the basement and gagged, the bandits set to work on the safes, but the watchman managed to roll over the bench, causing a loud clatter that startled the robbers into running away. As soon as Silverman managed to work loose of the ropes, he telephoned the police. The two unopened safes contained more than $1000.
The director of LaGuardia Field denies reports that pilots at the airport have organized a "Copperheads Club" in support of the views of Charles A. Lindbergh. Major Elmer Haslett maintained today that all the pilots at the field are "100 percent behind the President," and advised Lindbergh to abandon politics and focus on aviation.
G-Men in Andover, New Jersey will grill a suspect arrested today at Camp Nordland, number 1 Eastern camp of the German-American Bund, after he attempted to destroy a letter described as "very important." 38-year-old Paul Huissel, described as a toolmaker from Poughkeepsie, was seized by county sherrif Denton Quick and a group of American Legionnaires deputized for the raid on the camp and turned over to Federal agents along with a quantity of Nazi literature, swastika flags, and pictures of Hitler. About a hundred persons who had gathered at the camp for the holiday weekend, most of them women and children were dispersed by the raiders.
Reader P. G. writes in to Dr. Brady's Column, asking what he means when he says "it's stupid to have piles." The good Doctor advises P. G. to send a 3 cent stamp and ask for his monograph, "It's Stupid To Have Piles."
(Helen Worth, he ain't.)
The Eagle Editorialist praises Federal authorities for taking action against German agent Dr. Kurt Heinrich Reith, and hopes that it marks the start of "a forceful new policy of cracking down against foreign agents here."
(At Mr. Cashmore's office, the Borough President crumples the paper in frustration. "Call Margie Hart," he grumbles to his secretary. "Tell her next year is all off.")
(Fedora Lounge member Baldguy1941 is deeply offended by this cartoon.)
(When your whole act is built around looking like Shirley Temple you've got to get what you can while you can.)
100,000 children from local churches and Sunday Schools will march next Thursday to mark the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the Brooklyn Sunday School Union, under the theme "Christ, the Light Of The World."
(And aside to "Old Timer" -- no half-clad prancing women are scheduled to appear. Schedules are subject to change without notice.)
This is still not quite the all-time-highest record for a single broadcast, which still belongs to King Edward's Abdication Speech in 1936, which may have been heard by 150,000,000 people around the world, but it's the most-listened-to American-originated broadcast. So far.
Leo Durocher will be his lippy self next Wednesday when he is the guest star on Fred Allen's hour over WABC. Leo will match wits with Mr. Allen in an exchange expected to reveal what umpires in the National League already know about Mr. Durocher's skill at verbal give-and-take.
(No problem, Slappy, just kick yourself in the face.)
(Just like that.)
(And join us tomorrow for the exciting new strip -- MARY WORTH, LOBBYIST!)
(In the millennium or so that English has existed as a modern language, this is the first time the sentence "Why should you worry about his egg problem, Kay?" was ever assembled. I suspect when I wrote it just now there was only the second.)