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London! That is a town in which Godzilla can go Rambo at any time.
I think there are probably very few people left here who remember what the place was like in the 2005-2006 era just before the political ban was instituted. For its first several years, the Lounge was dominated by a particular political mindset which felt free to denigrate, mock, and ridicule those with whom it disagreed under the guise of "old buddies shootin' the breeze on the front porch." But when the place began to attract more members, and the political landscape suddenly diversified, the friendly breeze-shooting got openly hostile. Those of us who disagreed with the Established Mindset gave as well as we got, and it became very unpleasant in the Observation Bar, especially during the runup to the 2006 midterm election. That's when, and why, the political ban was established, and it was the only thing that kept the Lounge from turning into an ugly, vicious spitstorm. God only knows what kind of a monstrosity it would be today if free political discussion was permitted.
I don't understand though why post #2 was not redacted as well. Explain the diff.
God only knows what kind of a monstrosity it would be today if free political discussion was permitted.
We have our fun with our veiled barbs now and then, but we all know where the line is, and the functioning of the Lounge depends on all of us remembering where it has to be drawn.
And as for cities due for a stompin', Reykjavik, Iceland. As a reptile, Godzilla was most likely ectothermic, so it would be interesting watching him go on a rampage in slow motion.
I missed the redacted comments, but I'm sitting here wondering how anyone could take anything seriously in a thread titled, "If you could choose, what city would you like to see crushed by a giant monster?"
My choice, by the way: Vegas baby! Burn it, drown it, blow it up, crush it beneath giant feet, whatever. No particular reason, really, I just think it would be visually interesting.
London! That is a town in which Godzilla can go Rambo at any time.
My choice, by the way: Vegas baby! Burn it, drown it, blow it up, crush it beneath giant feet, whatever. No particular reason, really, I just think it would be visually interesting.[/SIZE]
.And how boring would it be to see a glitzy but generic hotel-casino smashed down.
I was haunting AOL chatrooms
This could transfer well to a Canadian setting too - The Tortoise Who Ate Toronto.
London! That is a town in which Godzilla can go Rambo at any time.
Fully appreciating the spirit of this thread, my only quibble with having monsters squash Vegas is that there's nothing (or almost nothing) iconic to see being destroyed. How impactful would it be to see even the iconic Flamingo Hotel destroyed versus the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty or the Golden Gate Bridge. And how boring would it be to see a glitzy but generic hotel-casino smashed down. It would kinda be a waste of the monsters' time.
If a person is into "people watching" I can't think of too many places that would be better than Las Vegas for providing that kind of entertainment. I don't know if it's preconceived notions about Vegas, or if it's simply the desert heat getting to them, but a lot of people seem to consider it a "free for all" town where any type of behavior is not only acceptable, but welcome. On a scale from 1 to 10, Vegas turns the "crazy" factor up to 11.I went to Vegas once in my life in the mid '90s for a day and came away over stimulated the way a kid who eats too much sugar feels.
I have no interest in casino gambling besides for an hour or so, at most, for its very modest entertainment value (the house takes ~18 cents of every dollar and one must lose if they play enough - that construct doesn't interest me), but did enjoy, again for a day, the crazy that is Vegas...
I don't know. That movie was so boring that I fell asleep both times I tried to watch it.I have yet to see it, but didn't Godzilla do Vegas in the last movie?
a squad of Elvis' taking up the fight karate style or dropping in by parachute.
In case you're wondering I've been to Vegas about 4 times, London once....
Saugus, MA (Has a lot of gimmicky outfits like a Chinese restaurant built to look like a giant pagoda, and the Leaning Tower of Pizza. Would make for colorful destruction).
This is very poor Latin structure. There is no such word as "Elvi." First declension Latin nouns ending in -us form the plural by dropping the -us and adding -i. Those ending in -is (I forget the declension) form the plural with -es. Thus, it should be "the flying Elves" (pronounced el-veez).
This is very poor Latin structure. There is no such word as "Elvi." First declension Latin nouns ending in -us form the plural by dropping the -us and adding -i. Those ending in -is (I forget the declension) form the plural with -es. Thus, it should be "the flying Elves" (pronounced el-veez).