Looks great with that suit, Jaunty.
That's a great pic, Jwalls. That hat looks very nice on you.
Alan, the felt and ribbon on your new Mallory go together really well.
I was happy to get my panama from Tom-n-Perris today, just in time for a warm spell
Today: my favorite unbound natural beaver.
This morning we left Bozeman, MT in 60' weather (overcast w/wind) and flew buffeted by rising heat waves to the Twin Cities.
I wore my Lee All American, grey fedora. Required head phones are now behind the head over the ear fancy, dancy things. They are way more comfortable than the older big head phones that you use to communicate to the ground. The Lee allowed me to cover my head, shade my eyes and be very comfortable. Much more comfortable than the "Rocking R Bar" ball cap that I have used for years on this commute.
The Lee model, All American, is not a premium model by this oldy company. The lighter weight felt, pliable brim, and easy wear characteristics make it a very easy wear. The liner is clean, the leather band is wider than my other All Americans and very comfortable. The Lee models in my size vary in size/fit, up to 1/2 inch. This one fits excellent. The hat now needs some steam as the rain this morning "lumped up" the body. No worries mate, just a temp. situation.
The gray color has a minty green hint to it. The grey can look cool or even coordinate with warmer toned attire easily. Versatile. It is changing my opinion about wearing grey. My hair, what small amount is left, is grey, so I need to get good with grey!
Thanks for allowing me to share my All-American.
On the ground sipping coffee, Eric -