Hello all! I am new and I appreciate being approved for the lounge. I have tried to do some research on these forums and internet to find information on my grandfathers hat but there are a couple marks/logos/etc. that I can't find anywhere else on the internet to try and date. I don't see anywhere what kind of felt it is or how many X's etc. like I see on most pictures posted. I have not seen any other hat that has the same John B Stetson Company around a circle with JBS inside circle, etc. Also WHAT IS "J L F" initials? I am familiar with the store "Klines" that was a old store here in San Antonio but is now closed. Also just out of curiosity, try and get approx. value of hat. Any information on this would be helpful on date and value. Not really the same style of cowboy hats I wear but being as It was passed down from grandfather, I think it would be kind of "cool" feeling to wear on special occasions but also I would like to preserve it as long as possible and pass down to my boys. So is wearing it occasionally or just keeping in box recommended? Thank yall again for any help you may be able to offer. Hopefully these pictures attach and post right.
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