A very nice nickel Smith and Wesson 19. I took the 19 in a trade knowing I would never shoot it as it was just too nice. And I am a collector of WW1 and WW2 firearms.
Twitch said:This weekend a sporting goods store chain, Big 5, advertised original M1 carbines for the 1st time ever. I was astounded that they were listing them foe $999!!! I have an original fand one of those commercial assembly rifles they remade in the 1960s. Cost $69 in 1971.
carebear said:You can still get them through the CMP for half that.
Flyer36 said:My latest addition. Early 70's S&W model 36 square butt.
Twitch said:Yeah I'm astounded that they apparently are valued at that high of a price. The bad thing anyhow is that the ammo is ridiculously expensive and there is no more surplus stuff out there. I think there's only 2 companies who make .30 carbine rounds.
DeaconKC said:Rebel, try a Tyler Tgrip, there's a K frame with one on it in my avatar. They really can help those skinny factory grips. They make em for J, K and even N frames too.
Diamondback said:So we're thinking in opposite directions, Marine--while you go "quiter", I'm going for an even louder boomer, by which I mean contemplating converting my 1911 for .45Super or .450SMC.
Do not ask... or if you must, take it over to a search at EOTacForum.
Captain Trunk: [Trunk watches Hammer attach something to the barrel of his gun] Is that a silencer?
Sledge Hammer: No, it's not a silencer. This little doodad is my own invention. I call it a loudener.