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Our Designer Dog


Practically Family

Cody is his name
he is a rescue,
first from Kentucky,
to Ohio and finally
to our home
in Pennsylvania.

Our "designer" dog's mother
is a Husky,
and his father
is a Treeing Walker Coonhound
We call Cody
a Coonski.

He loves to play and run
and jump and eat and poop
When we got him,
he weighed in at 22 pounds.
He now has reached 80 pounds
at eleven months old.

Used to be
dogs of mixed breeds
were referred to as
Now, they are all designer dogs
bringing money beyond belief.
We paid the rescue fees and
subsequent vet fees,
much less than designer fees.

No matter how hard I try,
each time I play fetch with
I end up with shit on my shoes.

He is a great pup
who will turn out
to be another great dog
in our history with dogs.


London, UK
Lovely creature. It's been interesting seeing how things have changed. I remember when most people didn't care, then the "right breed" was the big deal, and now most dog people I know are heading to prefer crosses because on average they tend to be healthier. Our girl, Mimi, is also a rescue. Came to us four years ago on the 17th of this month. A cockapoo, she was rescued off the street in Romania, estimated age nine at the time. Which would put her in at closing in on 14 now. Don't like to overthink it, as I know she won't be able to be with us forever, but as long as however long she has left is good for her... The little battler survived three to five years, estimated, on the street in Romania, unspayed, with epilepsy... she should hate people, but she is absurdly loving. Humans could learn a lot from dogs.

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