In leather that is. I did wear denim truckers as teenager after, but more importantly to the jacket:
It all started with the idea of using sharkskin for a jacket. I went online to find some examples of what is feasible and… found nothing! My next course of action was to contact Alan at Johnson Leathers. So far, he has always gone with my ideas with no limits in sight. There were no limits on this day either as we got started. He found a tannery with stock, ordered samples and confirmed that this jacket was indeed happening. My preferred colour was red, a solid choice
There was not enough red for a full jacket, so I supplemented it with black. Black and Red, a classic combination very well used here for example
So why a trucker? Good question. I initially had in mind some sort of cross-zip, safe easy bet, especially with such an exotic leather. But then opted out for the trucker because of all the panels it has. You can play in numerous ways with these, and why not have such a unique version as my first trucker?
The fit is always spot on with Johnson Leathers, and their patterns are always comfortable. The jacket still feels comfortable with my current excess weight. It will look even better when I hopefully go back down. I get the feeling this jacket will look good even with large fluctuations of weight, the pattern is very well balanced.
Probably the most unique aspect of this jacket. I was expecting it to be very stiff and to my surprise, it is reasonably pliable. A nice balance between holding shape and remain easy to use. Nowhere near as stiff as CXL jacket!
The grain is very different as you can see in the pictures, I suspect it won’t change much with use, but only time will tell. Anybody has experience with this leather?
It is completely waterproof unsurprisingly considering its origin.
Enough talk, here are some pics of the jacker
Reasonably pliable
But it can still stand
It was fun mixing and matching black and red, whatever I didn't specify was done tastefully by Alan and his team.
Hesitated between black and brass hardware, what would you have chosen?
And of course I had o get these boots to go with the jacket
More pictures of the boot here
It all started with the idea of using sharkskin for a jacket. I went online to find some examples of what is feasible and… found nothing! My next course of action was to contact Alan at Johnson Leathers. So far, he has always gone with my ideas with no limits in sight. There were no limits on this day either as we got started. He found a tannery with stock, ordered samples and confirmed that this jacket was indeed happening. My preferred colour was red, a solid choice
There was not enough red for a full jacket, so I supplemented it with black. Black and Red, a classic combination very well used here for example
So why a trucker? Good question. I initially had in mind some sort of cross-zip, safe easy bet, especially with such an exotic leather. But then opted out for the trucker because of all the panels it has. You can play in numerous ways with these, and why not have such a unique version as my first trucker?
The fit is always spot on with Johnson Leathers, and their patterns are always comfortable. The jacket still feels comfortable with my current excess weight. It will look even better when I hopefully go back down. I get the feeling this jacket will look good even with large fluctuations of weight, the pattern is very well balanced.
Probably the most unique aspect of this jacket. I was expecting it to be very stiff and to my surprise, it is reasonably pliable. A nice balance between holding shape and remain easy to use. Nowhere near as stiff as CXL jacket!
The grain is very different as you can see in the pictures, I suspect it won’t change much with use, but only time will tell. Anybody has experience with this leather?
It is completely waterproof unsurprisingly considering its origin.
Enough talk, here are some pics of the jacker
Reasonably pliable
But it can still stand
It was fun mixing and matching black and red, whatever I didn't specify was done tastefully by Alan and his team.
Hesitated between black and brass hardware, what would you have chosen?
And of course I had o get these boots to go with the jacket
More pictures of the boot here