I think it’s a good job by the builder! I agree that it lacks the taper and curves, but wow it’s still impressive. The collar is off- looks like the original was curved up at the tips, and 5* cut it at an angle (the 2d comment applies). The back curve isn’t a measurement thing so much as a direction and drawing thing. I like the length, but feel the front should drop another inch or 2.
Sleeves tapered, yes. They got the patchwork and pockets right though. My issue with 5* at the moment is that while they are competant at sewing and copying, there isn’t a creative force behind the scenes pushing designs to make them all they can be. It’s almost like a computer just outputting what we input...not a bad thing, but not insightful either. After all, it’s in their interest to have you order #2. It would really up their game to have a creative designer come in on their end to make suggestions we can trust and say “I didn’t think of that”, or who tells us “No, bad idea!”
Sleeves tapered, yes. They got the patchwork and pockets right though. My issue with 5* at the moment is that while they are competant at sewing and copying, there isn’t a creative force behind the scenes pushing designs to make them all they can be. It’s almost like a computer just outputting what we input...not a bad thing, but not insightful either. After all, it’s in their interest to have you order #2. It would really up their game to have a creative designer come in on their end to make suggestions we can trust and say “I didn’t think of that”, or who tells us “No, bad idea!”