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Comments You Get When You Dress Vintage


One of the Regulars
Dunn County, Wisconsin
I don't have any idea how to use facebook stuff. Try the one I suggested and see if that works.

I think you're pulling my leg :p
I use facebook, that's where I got the pics of me... photobucket is annoying to me... :p
Why would I pull your leg?:rolleyes:[huh];) :p if you don't believe that's me, check out my Florida thread... I posted pics of my wedding, and at least the BEARD hasn't changed!:eusa_clap

Lily Powers

Practically Family
Erm, L is snarky to G and I. I didn't lay out clearly who was saying what, did I? :D

I'm not clear if you know either L or G outside of Twitter, but could L's comments be self effacing because her own style of dress is tame, off the rack or just not expressive? It is really hard sometimes to understand what someone means when you can't hear their words and see their expression.

That dress, by the way, is really cute!

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Erm, L is snarky to G and I. I didn't lay out clearly who was saying what, did I? :D

But thanks, it always makes me feel better to make sure I wasn't being a witch. When you grow up without a ton of socializing like me, sometimes it's hard to tell how I come off to people. Either way, I think I gained G as a new blog reader, so huzzah!

I am blown away by some negative feedback other Loungers get 'in the wild'. I would never dream of being snarky to ANYONE based on their fashion choices (I feel bad enough when I think negative things about them). And I'm sure people would be upset if they were snarked at for wearing pjs while shopping, boob-baring tops or athletic gear 24/7 (my top fashion peeves) so why is it OK to do it to us?

Ha ha, I'm sure you were clear, I just got L and G mixed up!

Exactly, I don't scoff at the ugg wearing crowd or give them glares. Though I really detest those boots, or are they slippers?

The Wiser Hatter

I'll Lock Up
Louisville, Ky
People who say this kind of stuff are scared to stand out in anyway. So they try to be little anyone who does stand out to make themselves feel better about not doing anything.

Miss Peach

One of the Regulars
"You look so 'Mad Men'"

Does anyone else get this a lot?

I understand that it's a compliment but when it's paid me by someone in my own generation (I'm in my mid-twenties) who has only been exposed to vintage because of one TV show, I find it sort of irritating. There is so much more to vintage than Mad Men. I guess it's rather difficult for someone who isn't educated in the styles of different eras to recognize the nuances.

(background: Someone I work with found out I am a lindyhopper and said, "Yeah, Zoot Suit Riot, I can appreciate that." Nooooooo, it's JAZZ. Then I dressed 40s style one day and I got the Mad Men comment. A few weeks later I was 20s-30s and he said, "I like that jacket, very Mad Men.")

Ouf. :eusa_doh:


One Too Many
Falmouth ME
Does anyone else get this a lot?

I understand that it's a compliment but when it's paid me by someone in my own generation (I'm in my mid-twenties) who has only been exposed to vintage because of one TV show, I find it sort of irritating. There is so much more to vintage than Mad Men. I guess it's rather difficult for someone who isn't educated in the styles of different eras to recognize the nuances.

(background: Someone I work with found out I am a lindyhopper and said, "Yeah, Zoot Suit Riot, I can appreciate that." Nooooooo, it's JAZZ. Then I dressed 40s style one day and I got the Mad Men comment. A few weeks later I was 20s-30s and he said, "I like that jacket, very Mad Men.")

Ouf. :eusa_doh:

Some people don't get it, and wont get it, but they do notice.


One of the Regulars
Oh you get all kinds. I live in a small town and do a market once a month were I'm dressed "vintage". Mostly 40s/50s influence, things I've made but no real vintage. I've heard everything from Betty Boop to Mad Men to I look like I'm from the 20s?.
Most people just aren't into the different eras or been exposed to any real vintage or just don't care so they guess wrong. I take it as a compliment either way.


One of the Regulars
I ALWAYS get told I look very madmen, and I rarely dress like the 60s.

I also cook a lot, and host a lot of tea parties/dinner parties at my house and whenever I come out of the kitchen in my apron and dress everyone who hasn't been to my house before always freaks out and goes on some sort of Betty Draper rant.

I think it's just their way of saying hey you look very old school and polished and I like it.
And hey, being compared to the women on madmen really isn't bad company to be in.


New in Town
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm sorry if i break your discussion, I agree with you all. (I just feel sorry for that kind of people that they haven't lookt into their old familyalbums so they see the difference of style decade by decade... )

Now I want to share something that made my day yesterday. I have wisited my doctor twice a month for 5 months now and yesterday he had a apprentice with him. My doctor presented me as "the one that always is well dressed" to the apprentice :D


A-List Customer
Yes, I get the "Mad Men" thing every now and again; truthfully, I consider it a compliment-- at least they kind of get what I'm going for. I've had "Katy Perry" three times this Fall (yes, I have a tally going) and it makes me want to cry; "Mad Men" is a million times better!

I was at the MFA the other weekend and a stylish older lady stopped me to tell me I looked just like an Ignacio Zuloaga woman!! It was, quite possibly, the best compliment I have ever received. :)


Call Me a Cab
Toronto, Canada
I had a very interesting experience today involving someone else's take on my vintage look. I wonder if any of you ladies have ever run into this:

It was damp and foggy this morning, so as usual, I wore my scarf to cover my hair, Audrey Hepburn style, while waiting for my train. A young woman wearing a hijab was looking at me strangely for a bit. Finally, she approached me and said "Excuse me - Are you Muslim?"

I had never been asked that before in my life, so I was quite taken aback (it hadn't clicked yet) and I told her no, I wasn't. She replied "Then why are you wearing the headscarf?" Finally I understood, and since my scarf didn't look at all similar to a hijab I had to laugh, and told her I was only wearing it to protect my hairstyle. She cut me off by saying "I don't think its funny. I think its disrespectful." And walked away! :eeek:

Took me a long time to wrap my mind around that one... Like I say, they don't look *at all* similar, and I have never, ever had someone say this to me before, even in college when most of the student body was Muslim.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I get the "are you Pentecostal/Mennonite" all the time -- I think as time goes on, the only association people are going to have with any kind of a headscarf is going to be religious. The days when women would commonly go out for the day wearing a Rosie rag or a babushka are as remote as the Civil War to young people today. That's why we need to reclaim it!

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