How dirty is it? I have cleaned a wool suit with stains that wouldn't come out with dry-cleaning in water and a mild detergent, but only if necessary and a last resort.
One of the questions is what type of dirt and or stains are you trying to clean.
Dry cleaning is a process that uses chemicals that are not water and work best at removing grease and oils along with that the dirt that is attached to the grease and oils. Spilled foods like wine, soda and other stuff maybe water soluable only and don't come out in dry cleaning. This is why you need to be able to tell the dry cleaner what are the spills and stains. If the spill remains after dry cleaning the pressing will set the stain and caramelize it so you get a cooked in stain. The dry cleaner can spot clean many stains and spills first.
Wet cleaning is fairly new to the US and uses a water detergent mix to clean the fabrics. The key has to do with the mannequin type device that they use when pressing the suit. You might see if there is a wet cleaner in your area, you can ask them if they can do it right.
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