M Hatman
I'll Lock Up
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You bet!!!! I have a lot more (other Stetson's) I have recently posted in my Stetson Thread...http://www.thefedoralounge.com/thre...a-of-the-golden-era.92141/page-7#post-2413240I enjoyed these very much Mark. Thanks for the parade.
Does this one have a Mode edge? Could be my eyes, but I don't see a binding.
Looking at the actual ad, the binding can be seen. It just matches the felt color very closely like some of my real life examples of their competitors...(I still do not have an actual vintage Whippet, BUT do have a vintage Stetsonian where the binding edge is very close to the color of the felt). So far, the only ad that does not show a brim binding on a named Whippet is the 1938 ad.Does this one have a Mode edge? Could be my eyes, but I don't see a binding.
Looking at the actual ad, the binding can be seen. It just matches the felt color very closely like some of my real life examples of their competitors...(I still do not have an actual vintage Whippet, BUT do have a vintage Stetsonian where the binding edge is very close to the color of the felt). So far, the only ad that does not show a brim binding on a named Whippet is the 1938 ad.
Was it? I understand the dimensions were different between the two. I have many Stetson ads with two or more hats and they are not the same hat with different brim edges. Conversely, I also have ads with one hat, that was offered with different brim treatments. Stetson has made many hats that appear the same but with different "features" and names.....FYI: Their were hats made that had almost all of the characteristics of the Whippet, but were not Whippets. This can get very confusing when looking at the ads IMO.
The Stetson Weston was a Whippet with a different brim edge treatment. Here is link to an inspired hat that I had commisioned: http://www.thefedoralounge.com/threads/art-fawcett-vs-hall-of-fame.13023/page-300#post-1438206 .
Was it? I understand the dimensions were different between the two. I have many Stetson ads with two or more hats and they are not the same hat with different brim edges. Conversely, I also have ads with one hat, that was offered with different brim treatments. Stetson has made many hats that appear the same but with different "features" and names.....Just saying....MPS Your hat is awesome!!!!!! Looks fantastic!!!
Yes...I have that ad too...great ad....a closer look and you will see the Weston has a tapered crown and I believe a bit of a shorter brim. It seems I have other (later) ads with the Weston being a part of the Stetson Twenty line..........so it was around of it's own accord for a while. I think it was also originally listed as one of the new "short Brim" hat models.M I do not have a way to confirm actual dimensions as I do not own one. I do not recall one surfacing on the lounge. The advertisement shows it as appearing similar.
Eric -
Based on known ads, as a hat model, the "Whippet" was introduced in 1938 (see my ad above) and did not have a bound edge. As of 1941, it appears with a signature bound edge (actually known in the industry for some time as a "French" Binding or Edge) and has remained that way ever since (even with their different dimensions). ANY other similar models (like the Stetsonian, the Stetson Weston, Stetson Campus, Flagship and the Stetson Twenty series et al) are, well, simply different hats. To say they are all the same hat can be said of all fedoras with the same basic dimensions but different ribbon, brim treatments.
Many different models were and are made with the same color felt but are still different models. Sometimes even the same model is really a different hat in a different year...look at the modern "Boss of the Plains"which has NO resemblance to the original version.
The ad you show is in fact advertising a new color felt and shown in two hat models. besides that ad, I own several ads advertising new felts (like vita-felt), and /or new felt colors and showing different models of hats made with that product. The hats in those ads are in fact, different hats (models) in that promotion of the new felts. They are not the same hat with different features. If the Weston was a Whippet with a mode edge....they would simply say as other ads do that the Whippet was also available in mode edge and NOT create a new name (Dobbs was notorious for offering many of their models with different brim treatments and stated this in their ads of the time). Whippets WERE offered in lined and unlined. A different name, means a different hat.....
PS In addition the "Weston" in the ad appears to have a different flange to the brim too.....as a different model would.