Will oblige Clyde (just rhyming). My Bosses Boss (not my mum in law) has Vanson gear and he rides all the time (Ducati). He needs a new set of leathers because his keep "shrinkin' in the wash" (ie he keeps eating himself out of them). He needs to go, when he goes... I'll go. The big seller for him is that, like Aero, Vanson buys back used gear. They might not give you much and you might get more selling it yourself on the Bay but it's a nice touch. When we go I'll let you know what we find. I'll also take a plenty pics, if'n they'll let me.Hey Worf, I have a trip in mind for a long time but I can't find anyone to come with me. Going alone would be quite a long ride. I might end up doing it anyway just for the fun of trying on jackets after jackets... Ill see.
The mustang looks like a great alternative to the expensive A2 out there. I know first hand that vanson's MI9 leather is amazing.
If you get any info on the mustang, Ike or enfield jacket feel free to pass it along on this thread, I have my eyes on those.