Maybe not? It all depends on the year of production. The newer mouton that are being sold by RMC as individual pieces are made for the 2021FW (BJ21101) only.Hello guys I have size 36 j 24 mouton collar. Will it fit in j 24 of size 38 jacket.
Mine one is maybe 2023 model mouton. I mean to ask if size 36 (mouton) will fit into size 38 jacket (BJ21101) 2021fw. Or the recent buco BJ21101 size 38.Maybe not? It all depends on the year of production. The newer mouton that are being sold by RMC as individual pieces are made for the 2021FW (BJ21101) only.
Thanks man for the informationFriend, the problem with the mouton fit is not the size. It is the location of the snaps. The mouton will go over the collar. However, the fit is sometimes not secure properly because the l24 snaps they use might not line up well. If you are riding, it could be a problem. If you are not riding, is less than a problem. I do not know how their snap location quality control is like? But I have not heard of any problems with the snap alignments as long as the mouton collars are used for the (bj21101) model they were designed for.
Here is a link to RMC:
The collar totally elevates the whole jacket.
I have a Schott mouton somewhere looking for a jacket, I will search it outIt's a great look. Always reminds me of Johnny Thunders. I will eventually pick one of the appropriate ones up for my Schott 618.