The original may have dated to the 1890's, but hundreds of thousands of reproductions were imported to this country form Taiwan in the 1970's, wholesaled to the antique trade and sold as fakes. I recall AA ANtique wholesalers of St Louis offering them for $6.50/doz. around 1980. AA, which is still in business (and is responsible for distributing most of the fake Depression Glass and Roseville pottery clogging antique malls) imported vast quantities of cast iron toys and novelties in the old days, along with a good deal of reproduction Victorian Art Glass. The Burmese that they sold is now collectable in tis own right, though (while pretty) it little resembles the genuine article. On the other hand, the Mother Of Pearl glass that they imported was every bit as good as the original, in some cases a bit better, for it was not defaced with carbon specks from coal-burning kilns. THIS 1960's reproduction glass generally sells for the same price as the real thing.
I have one, too, and use it (and enjoy it) regardless of its vintage.
The same firm offered a reproduction of the famous "Six-eyed Jimmy" novelty bottle opener (originally a WWI period piece). I regret not getting one when they were available.
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