That's incredible to think of. As a matter in fact, I was thinking just yesterday of adding Titanic (Leonardo Di Caprio version) to my Netflix que to see it a second time. I have also seen the Nazi film about the Titanic as well. One thing that is saddening, is the fact that there are supposedly no more living survivors of the Titanic. I must have heard about this two or three years ago on the news.
I live just a few blocks from the currently dilapidated but due to be restored pier at which the Titanic would have docked, had it made it to its planned destination. I think of it every time I walk by that spot.
The old White Star building is still in Liverpool by the waterfront. It used to have plaques with the names of all of it's ships all over the outside of the building and you can still see the holes where they were attached. It was from the balcony of this building that the anouncement of the loss of the Titanic was made.
It's funny, but it seems like longer ago than 100 years. It has become such a legend that it feels like it has more in common with the era of Jack the Ripper, something else that is a historical fact that has become more like a myth.
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