In Brown...7 5/8
Bought it a couple years ago along with a natural one. Wife loved the natural but hated the brown one on me and it has literally never been worn for more than 2 minutes...I keep trying every now and again to see if she's changed her mind but no luck. Should of returned it right...
Over 1500 hi-res color images from the Great Depression era and into the 40's...not all contain hat-wearers but there are alot of great hats in their "natural" environment (read: heyday)...Here's the link:
I have tried and tried but can't carry off the cool look that I associate with the narrow brims. I have three models of various vintage that I'd like to move.
First up is a really nice green Borsalino, 2" brim with an interesting ribbon treatment. The sweat is stamped 1963 and it was sold in...
A medium weight brown Borsalino that fits me perfectly between a 7 1/2 and 7 5/8. It has a 3" brim and appears to have been sold originally in Germany (Munchen?). Felt is pliable and hand creases nicely. No issues that I have noticed; unfortunately, I picked it up just after purchasing a darker...
I am moving some hats that do not (or never did) get enough head time to warrant the space they're taking up in the closet. This is a 50's era Borsalino with a 2 7/8" brim. The color is listed as Opale, the felt is thin and lightweight and easily takes the hand crease. The previous owner...
I am moving some hats that do not (or never did) get enough head time to warrant the space they're taking up in the closet. This is a 40's era 3x Beaver Stetson, size 7 1/2 with a 3" brim and "Tailored Edge". There are a couple moth tracks and the sweat is loose. Tall, straight sides...not...
Looking to buy an Akubra Stylemaster in a darker brown, size 61, to use as a work hat. I could order one up and all but thought someone may have one that may be less than pristine that they'd like to move. If so, let me know if we can make a deal...thanks, Hoss
Literally...I see lots of Georgians on the Lounge and a good number of Californians. I searched but didn't come up with a poll so how 'bout it? By region, where are the folks that frequent the "Hat" portion of the Lounge residing?
So...I was visiting a hat shop in British Columbia last summer and purchased my first fedora, a $50 Bailey wool felt Tino. Loved it...found this site...learned a lot...bought a few more hats. Now, I continually have an eye out for a new topper; ebay searches, visits to local antique/thrift...
Browsing the web, I noticed on Henry the Hatters website that they are closing the retail store located in Hamtramck and offering (or so they say) deals on one-of-a-kinds, discontinued and odd lots. If you're close to the store, it may be worth a look-see...good luck
I wore my hat to a business function last night and during the evening must have splashed some oily salad dressing on the brim and ribbon of my grey Adam Majestic (it was on the table, not my head...even I don't eat that voraciously). I dabbed at the spots with a dry towel and absorbed some of...
I guess it's due to the current financial mess, but a silver lining for us is that the Aus $ is dropping vs the US $ of this morning Campdrafts and Stylemasters are $60.80 + shipping at Everything Australian :eek: :D
My wife has enjoyed my foray into fedoras so much that she has expressed an interest in having her own :eek:
Any advice on how to size a hat for her? Should it be snug or loose enough that it doesn't leave her with hat hair? Ladies, please comment if you have any other considerations that a...
Although many if not most of the regulars have a large collection of hats from which to choose; what would you consider a basic quiver? Would it be several colors across few styles? Several styles but in few colors? As a new guy here, I'm curious which styles/materials/colors would be...
Hey ya'll,
New to and love this place...can be overwhelming at times, but think the folks here are about as friendly and helpful as any board I've visited. I'd like to make a straw hat purchase and after poking through the archives, realize that I probably don't know enough to know I don't...
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