I was, up until recently, not hugely fond of my Plainsman in this hide, but I can happily say that this is the ideal leather for long-haul travel and for knocking about in, particularly as it seems warmer than most of my other leathers. I've become quite pleased with the fading as it seems to...
I bought an Aero used that wasn't one of their usual patterns and, as it was a bit too tight in the arms, sold it to a good buddy a few years ago. The jacket itself was double-breasted, and had a collar that looked like this - note the gaps between the upper and lower parts of the lapels:
It's a horsehide which looks like a lighter version of Aero's battered tan HH. I would definitely order a Deluxe HB or LHB in this. It's the mutt's nuts (although I appreciate that not everyone is going to dig it).
So, I noticed that some makers stitch these on at the sides of slash pockets, and they seem to be inner 'outlined' or externalised. I presume that they're purely aesthetic in the case of heavier hides, but can/should they go on chest slash pockets, too? Would you want them on hand warmers and...
I was thinking of this and wondered if it would work. I want a button-up jacket with a sunburst back and thought of either the Mulligan (with the chest pocket removed) or the Moonshiner. I reckon battered tan with off-white stitching.
I've noticed this in the shoulder of a new Plainsman - having checked other jackets, this seems to be unusual (it looks like the leather top coat has split and the hide underneath is a bit, too). I hope not; having to send it back would be a major inconvenience. What do people think? As I...
I've just had a Plainsman delivered in this hide and I am really impressed. It was between this and Vicenza blackened brown; the jerky won out initially as I already have a dark seal Vicenza Mariner. So far, the jerky has been pliable almost immediately and is somewhat lighter than the Vicenza...
After realising that the anti-covid liquid that had saturated my delivered-to-Shanghai Mariner had not all been washed off by a quick shower, I put the jacket into a pillowcase and cold washed it for 15 mins without any detergent and then air-dried it. The Vicenza feels much as it did before...
...has anyone got one of these that has some years on it and have pics where the collar's 'relaxed' a bit? I am thinking of getting one, but the collar seems very 'sharp' to me.
...what's the best course of action? The jacket that arrived was waterlogged- I've spent three days drying it out. It's Vicenza, and feels fairly stiff; apart from a slight musty smell, it's undamaged. The dye was pushed into the lining, but I don't care about that.
I have no Renapur- should...
May be curious to know that the Soft Spinning Market (399 Lujiabang Lu) has a really good stall on the third floor (No. 340) that has a fantastic range of denim and canvas and a two-tailor team that is really good to work with. I've collected some bulletproof jeans and a rather fantastic shirt...
If any Floungers have pictures of these they'd like to post, I'd be fascinated. I'm thinking of getting a button front jacket with a shawl collar- in particular, what pocket arrangements have people experimented with and how have they worked out?
I'm just wondering if it appears in colours apart from black, seal and russet or if any of our favourite manufacturers stocks it, even on an infrequent basis.
I've owned my Aero Highwayman for about a decade and it's been in all weathers and worn often. It's usually worn over a t-shirt or a collared shirt. Like most leather jacket collars, it shows folds. I've given the collar a thin coat of Renapur in years 6 - 10 of owning it about once a year...
Some variations of the shawl collar jackets seem to feature slash pockets instead of the patched flap pockets. Has anyone seen one with horizontal pockets, like on the work coat? Anyone know what the back length on a size 40/42 would be? It's not as if I'm thinking of selling off some jackets...
What jackets do people think these would look good on? I really like the design and was wondering whether these curved pocket flaps would suit other zip front (or even button front) designs. I know someone had them on a russet Mariner at some point- something with these pockets and a Dustbowl...
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