A Prince is a prince, but a ruler's 12"
Original post by BinkieBaumont
What great info! How satisfying, somehow to know, Mrs. Simpson was playing him for an even bigger fool than he was. Cuckholded before he was even married.
This Yank's impression of Edward is that he was a blockhead...
The Bitter and the sweet..
Disturbing news. My 90 year old mum has some though. She puts a dash in her Martini. She says they were made this way back in the 40's. I don't know if that's true but why argue with her?
I have read that union label tags can be used to date clothing. I haven't been able to decipher a date on these tags.
1. Is there some kind of code?
2. Is the date just often on the part sewn into the seam?
3. Do these labels always have a date? (This is important: It would justify a...
The Man in the Picture
No, really, who is it? Is this someone familiar to Lounge regulars? Is it half of ZZ Top? Wilford Brimley on vacation? Santa's 'bad' alter ego? A new Gary Bussey mug shot? Who is it?
Not so plain Jayne
I probably did see her on (Jack) Paar (Whatever happened to Jose Mellis?) but don't recall her wit and wisdom. At that age, I suppose I wan't paying attention to that.
Steady as she goes, Mr. Lightoller.
I am heartily glad men's fashions change so slowly. It allows us to wear vintage fashion without looking like we're on the way to a theatrical production. When I was a smaller lad (we are all just larger lads/kids are we not?), I imagined we would all be...
Jayne Mansfield
You are kidding, aren't you? I admit to spending some tender, albeit solitary moments in the thrall of Ms. Mansfield but I never imagined she was a Mensa candidate. I admired her for her.....personalities.
Come on over!
Beautiful state. I'm not a native ( I have lived here for 34 years and love it) but my two daughters are. What a sad, beautiful state: fantastic scenery and people, bourbon, horses, state parks, food and history. What a sad economy. And Eastern Ky: you must know someone there to...
Gray's Anatomy
Just watched the forgotten "Charlotte Gray" with Cate Blanchette. A wonderful period film with not so much great period clothing for the men, who are seedy resistance fighters or collaborators in wartime Vichy France. But she is lovely.
This is an interesting thread. It examines an important issue: Are there any sensible limits on altering a vintage garment? I will premise this contribution with the acknowledgement that once you've paid for your garment, it's yours to do what you like with it.
I have a personal...
Joan Rivers
lengthening a sleeve or a hem is certainly something we have all done. Making over a well made, significant garment is something else. The past undone can't always be done again. Copies are a sensible alternative.
Zetwal: Thanks! I just scored a copy on Amazon.com the full title is:
Top Hat: An Illustrated History of Its Styling and Manufacture for anyone else who wants one. This should do it. Again, the Loungers pull through!
I know someone in the Lounge must know more than I do about toppers. I am interested in the possible time period top hats with a crown height of 5 1/2" to 6 1/2" might have been favored.
I have several vintage ones, 5 1/2" to 5 3/4", but all are undated. I have one...
I am sorry to share this, in a way, because it's probably not what you would prefer. I am military uniform collector, in the main. That shapes my reply. I see too much alteration.
It's your ensemble: do what you like. But, this tuxedo is a time traveler, a survivor. Don't perform...
FED rave
I've got three Feds in other colors and am waiting on this carbon one. Beautiful hat. Nice bash. Rafal, take note-this is as close as you can get to a 'Thirties fedora with a new-made hat.
I posed this question in the current top hat thread but I fear it is buried so I'll start one: Does anyone have information about the heights of top hats during different time periods? Very early photos, 1840s-50's, show very tall toppers, perhaps as tall as 8" or so. Twentieth Century top hats...
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