Not with my shoulder. :D
On a serious note, the .460, or any of the other heavies, wouldn't be my choice for true long-range shooting (as opposed to hunting) which I like to do.
Getting away from full auto dreaming...
If I had to pick just one rifle, I'd take my '03 Springfield (sporterized). The .30-06 cartridge will take any animal on the continent with appropriate bullet weights/styles and it is accurate enough for any purpose I'd be likely to use it for.
M1A is just SA's designation for their commercial semi-only version of the M14, other manufacturers (Fulton, Norinco, etc.) just call theirs "M14". There's no provision in the receiver for a "drop-in" full auto sear, it has to be machined in similar to current production AR-15s.
Like I was...
There have always been 5 and 10 rounders available so you may be right.
Springfield shipped with 10's during the ban (which was only a ban on new magazine production, it did not affect sale or possession of existing magazines) but the 20 rounders were available without interruption (subject...
So in that case it would interfere with the story itself and perhaps an actor better suited to the role (since race was key to the character's identity) should have been cast.
Along with your local shops and shows you can find used guns online.
You'll need to go through a Federal licensee of course, same as any other purchase.
Auction sites (like eBay):
A couple importers who usually have...
You are correct my tone might have been harsh. I just feel it is the responsibility of any writer to correct their work prior to submission to anyone, friend or teacher.
Proofing spelling, punctuation and grammar might be glossed a bit in a forum post tossed off in a minute or so...
No, I'm not saying that. I would however get rid of the presumption that it is somehow "better" to always have an "authentic" actor play a character. As long as the story works is what matters, not whether a Cuban is playing a Mexican.
dr. greg,
The Inuit live up along the Arctic...
Call a Yupik Eskimo an Inuit and see what kind of reception you get.
This is sort of what I mean. Where do we draw the line on "best-suited"?
They had a Scot play the Irishman in Braveheart, that is a similar but not identical culture. Shouldn't the role, given the historical and...
The whole idea of "cultural appropriation" itself bothers me.
The idea that "so-and-so isn't an {insert group}, so obviously so-and-so shouldn't (or worse somehow inherently can't) write about {insert group} accurately."
What matters is the author's personal experience and/or research and...
Yes I did, but, as has been said, reading is more difficult when errors keep popping out distracting from the story itself. You need to watch the "your" / "you're" switch and possessives, as well as capitalization within sentences after dialogue. That's something spellcheck misses and why a...
Not to jump on the bandwagon, but if it was typed into a word processing program it is easy enough to run the spell/grammar check prior to posting it for reading. That way it would be less distracting to read and allow readers to better comment on characters, plot and structure...
And herein lies the huge problem with placing more importance on the group an individual is (apparently) part of instead of on the individual themself.
In the case of movies or books or any other story, what matters is the story and its validity (if not, being fiction, actual truth), not the...
We can get along after all. See, gun owners don't want to force anyone to do anything except stop attempting to add more restrictions that cannot be shown to do any good.
The only "forcing of beliefs" on anyone is by those who have stated their goal is to disarm the law-abiding...
And I never said the right is absolute, any more than any other right is absolute.
What I'm saying is that infringements of the right to keep and bear arms need to be held to the same level of legal scrutiny as any other right.
That would be "Strict Scrutiny" which requires there be a...
Actually Tom, that isn't what that means.
Go back and reread the DC Court's opinion in Parker, or Levinson's "The Embarassing Second Amendment" for how the ruling in Miller applies vis a vis the individual right.
What you are attempting to do...
Gun owners have done nothing but compromise, remember, we started out with no restrictions whatsoever on ownership and now we have all sorts of laws about purchase, transport and carry with more being asked every day by folks who are on record stating they want nothing less than an absolute ban...
I'm working on pulling together the actual state data sets for you.
The reason I asked you to provide citations to support your opinions was not to be confrontational. It is due to the very nature of our political system.
When you have a pre-existing right, it is not up to...
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