Somewhat ironically, IKEA's greatest contribution to modern day culture is this vision of how much nicer life will be when the cats finally take charge.
Personally, I can't wait.
In April, 1933, this was the first national release for RCA Victor's new bargain-price Bluebird records. The choice of artist was an obvious one - Jimmie Rodgers was the biggest selling recording artist of any kind in those deep depression years.
Radioless, rural families were the only ones...
There is classism in all this, but it is a different sort of classism than the old pointing and laughing at the girl at the prom with lank hair and big sister's five-year-old gown. That was cruel and complacent, but perhaps not quite so complacent as today. Today it's middle-class Whites...
Not a public personality by any means, but Capt. Bill Eddy, NBC-TV's first lighting and special effects boss in the late '30s, stood an inch taller than Tiny at 6'7" - and had been a submarine commander in the cramped diesel pigboats of the 1920s! Capt. Eddy, an engineer, cartoonist, and...
I don't expect a BFF in a merchant or tradesperson either. I do expect someone who holds the paying customer in higher regard than a supply sergeant who is following orders way up the chain of command.
See the difference here? Edward gets it. But hey, maybe I'm just not enough of a man, or an...
I know I said I was very happy with my US-A, and I am, but it has finish issues brought on by the former owner, a horseman who treated it with the fish oil he used for riding tack. That took away the gloss coat on the sheepskin, leaving a kind of nubuck texture. But I still find it preferable to...
Chef d'orchestre Joe Haymes in 1932 proffering a piping and piquant Jazz Pie. A reissue from my very own Columbia Royal Blue Record, as it happens.
No experience with Cockpit's version, but I own a US-Authentic AN-J-4 and like it a lot. Very nicely built. Right now it's on special for $995 (I got mine secondhand for a bunch less).
Po'k. With apples.
We're still looking for a po'k roast that isn't a. super friggn lean and/or b. injected with briny watery crap. This being an agribusiness state, it ain't to be had.
Why not go full fettes Schwein? lol
I'd qualify easily, having put on 75 pounds since high school. Inside that skinny teenager, there was a fat man slowly eating his way out. have to ask yourself, was New Castle special, being a steel and smokestack town with high immigration and something of a wide-open air? Or did stuff like this go on elsewhere without so much hoop-de-doo?
The blogger got his background info from contemporary newspapers. I know that in...
It's already beginning with cats and dogs.
Of course, back in the day it was mostly whispering campaigns, and it could happen to anybody who was a little too loosely wound, or too much of an original, or showed kindness to the wrong people. That's the backside of community.
Yeah, good idea. Using it as a decoration is a little too fakey-fashiony.
Here it is without the label and with the top flap and a bottom layer Photoshopped in.
The zip closing would be ±22", recycling the jacket zipper. It would open the top and about 2" on each side.
The question arises: how...
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