Something I never thought I would see has turned up on YouTube.
On July 7, 1936, NBC aired their first TV program to a top-secret meeting of radio manufacturers. They set up a newsreel camera behind the on-air one to make a film - which, supposedly, was shown once to guests unable to attend...
The way it was then, nobody, but nobody, was walking around Just A Little Overweight. Food was much more expensive in real terms and the word gluttony had real meaning. It is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, after all, and in everyday life probably ranked well above pride and wrath, which were a...
Who will immediately talk you out of doing anything that is not tried and true, on grounds that the failure rate is too high and the margins too low at the best of times.
And you're not going to attract car clubs with authentic vintage anything. There's a reason those guys take 20s to 50s...
Music is felt to "date" much more badly than clothing or even hairstyles. If you consider yourself hip and trend-conscious, old music carries a heavy odor of stale archives and stodgy personalities. It is also - importantly for our conglomerate-run media - not cross-promotable, as are the...
I was lucky enough to hear Max and the band in Minneapolis in April. He really has what it takes to sell this music - which is a single, compelling, unique personality. A seamless, pleasantly stereotyped character who can embody the era. Someone approachable, yet otherworldly. Because the music...
Here's the right soundtrack for that clip - same tune by the Benny Goodman 4tet. Makes me wish I'd hit New York then and not 50 years later. Ai, yi yi...nostalgia for what you never knew.
That kind of simplicity in design is VERY expensive today. The typical boot buyer needs function, yes, but wants a high tech look that shows modern materials and construction. A design like this doesn't look functional to him, or even comfortable. So it goes!
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