Timorous, you also had a risk of flooding during that last storm didn't you?
I always worry about Maine and flooding because my mother's husband owns a house at York and a couple of years ago it was so flooded that Short Sands seemed like a lake!
Maine makes up for it in the summer though...
Rainyday, you look great in that color red, it really helps to bring out your eyes. I have to be careful with red lipsticks and need more of a corally red.
Lady Day, I too look at the tags and search for metal zippers. I get so excited sometimes when I find a really cool tag and I know it's vintage. A good vintage find can give me an emotinal high that lasts me the entire week. lol
Sho Sho, excellent tip about looking in different sections for sizes. Vintage was indeed different so many times a size 16 dress will be in the mondern size 16 section and it's more like a modern smaller size. The beauty of that is that it never gets picked up by someone becuse it's too small...
I agree. I love the mod look and that has a little bit of the Audrey look going. I am a total sucker for buttons and the 60's dresses have a lot of those so I always find myself being drawn to them.
That is a great dress.
Daisy, it seems like we have had those weird weather patterns for the past couple of years. We go from winter right into summer and then summer right into winter. At least we were lucky snow wise this year. It has almost melted now and I bet it's completely gone in Boston. :cool:
I too find that my makeup needs have changed and I am 38. I can no longer wear powder because it actually sinks into my fine lines and makes them look worse. I guess it's payback for my teen years of laying out in the sun with baby oil. :o
That's what people keep telling me. I was also thinking of doing embroidery. Anything to keep me from smoking or eating (if I can't smoke I want to eat lol ).
I wouldn't mind knitting some cute scarves or something. Until then I have let a pile of mending pile up that I am going to tackle...
Doh! I am so jealous of you. It was warm here in Massachusetts 65 degrees, but not warm enough for a cotton dress. We are still in the kind of cold but yet a little warm stage that makes dressing a challenge. I am so sick of wearing coats and sweaters I could scream. I keep finding these...
Sweet Leilani I do things like that sometimes but I always remember it will all work out. You can still get some pretty nice ones out there (in fact, there are a few web sites out there that offer beautiful vintage stoves). I want a vintage looking refridgerator, but can't see me getting one...
Here is another 40's day dress I picked up last week (all of my dresses were under $5.00. It has to be steamed and put away until June. :(
I also picked up this 30's inspired (70's or 80's made), velveteen opera coat. I wished I found it in December. :rolleyes:
I love coffee and love it strong. I usually use a regular coffee maker during the week and then on the weekend I used my percolator. I love the way it makes the house smell and the sound of the coffee percolating reminds me of my grandmothers house which I love. I have never tried a French...
Hi all, I just found this place and am so glad I did. I love all things vintage especially clothes from the 30's to mid 50's and things for the house (I love to collect). I am also a huge fan of black and white movies, big band music and anything else that reminds me of the past.
Pink Dahlia, when I took home economics in Jr. High we had cooking for 1/2 the year and then sewing. I took great at cooking (in fact I still love to do it), but did terrible at sewing. I will never forget my pathetic attempt at a prairie skirt that got me an F. LOL
Now that I have gotten...
I think the dress if very flattering on you. Yes, the color looks different on the manni vs. you but I like the color on you just as much. :cool:
Hi all. I am a new poster here but have lurked on this thread and have loved looking at all of the pictures over everyones homes.
Here is a picture of my kitchen (most notably my stove :D ).
I just wanted to let you all know how in awe I am over your skills. I feel so accomplished after sewing on buttons and can't even imagine the rush I would have after creating an entire outfit. :eusa_clap
Thanks olive!
I am hoping I will be able to figure out how to do something with my hair from here.
I have been trying to use rag rollers for the past two weekends straight (won't dare try it during the work week in fear of what I would go to work looking like) lol .
Anyhow, both times...
I also want to post a picture of a dress I can't wait to wear this summer. I am assuming it's 40's or 50's (has a side metal zipper) and is a nice cotton that is going to feel great on over the summer.
Sigh, I wish it were nice enough out to start wearing all of the lovely summer dresses...
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