Exactly! Stalin was so crazy that he purged the leadership of the military numerous times as he feared a coup. By the time WWII came around, his military leadership consisted of many "officers" who had no idea what it was to lead an army etc. Fortunately, through the Nomanhan incident of...
Agreed. We did not, however, enter the war all for self interests though. We were attacked and forced to participate after that point. Germany then declared war on us and we were forced into the Allies camp with troops when before we just supplied arms etc. :doh:
And we have been through this befpore as to the infant mortality rate being better as we a.) consider a child a child as soon as they are born, B.)have technology that allows us to try to save the youngest children that other countries let die in utero and C.) we keep copipous records as to...
Uh, not quite as Japan was also in that fray as the Nomanhan incident and numerous previous incidents pitted Japan against Russia. They always hated each other and were alligned with Germany against Russia. Stalin worked against Japan AND Germany to get us on their side. Reords indicate that...
Exactly! Stalin, we know now due to the fall of the communist empire there and their records, was involved DIRECTLY with communists here trying to agitate our involvement to save them from the Germans or at least postpone it. Just as Germany had the Bund, Stalin had his "useful idiots" that...
It is the same here but I was wondering by that sterling review if this might be different and they are turning over a new leaf without plastic and rubber. :p There certainly appears to be enough bacon on it. :p
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