Read an article about these guys on the Art of Manliness and once I saw they had pipe smoke scented moustache wax I could not resist ordering a tin. Really anxious/curious to receive this in the mail!
Blazer, thanks for your comments. What type of ink do you use for your note taking? I would like more permanent ink for my historical work and journal writing.
David, I was not saying that I wanted it to be a "trend" or anything. I just simply think more people would consider it if there were quality hats available other places than online or at the VERY few hat shops in America.
Preacher Man, I know exactly what you are talking about. One of the most relaxing and rewarding parts of my day is when I can sit down at the end of the day and write in my journal or do some historical research using my fountain pen. It takes you back in time before everything was disposable.
I just saw that on the video. The only ink I have is Parker Quink. I am sure there may be better out there but it does the job for me and is safe for my pens
Alright taking a chance on another pen. Different company but favorable reviews. Thought I would try something new
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