"Public Enemy" wit Jonny Depp, Christin Bale...A serious hat movie...
"Killer Elite" Clive Owen, Robert Di Nero, Jason Strathem, very strong,good plot involving SAS, ME Amen, London
Beautiful hat but give it up and find some fine straw to go with your classy looking suits...
With your facial look and that cigarette you just might be a Gangsta or a Bad ass of sorts...maybe a Mob lawyer, I'll bet you are wearing Black pointy toed JM's also...
Thank you for the compliments...I'm leaving the Tridents in ground for a couple more years trying to fatten up the trunks...my Japanese Maple groupings I'm letting grow out, I will prune and trim to a Broom style in late July for a local August Competition/showing, I will enter them under...
Sat. morning & showing off my Monterrey Suaza from Medellin, Columbia, made in Suaza region of Columbia, & looking after my Bonsai work, Japanese Maples and Junipers...
Late 61 was not a typo neither was it typical of Sociteies Cultural changes as they came in Mid 60's to late 60's, re Haight Ashbury, SF, etc..... its just what I noticed as change from early 1960 to late 61.
Lizzie you are correct in that the Detroit riots of 1967 were purely racial, having...
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