Barbisio hats
When looking for Barbisio's , you need to make sure which one you are getting especially if they are modern made. There are two companies that have the license today. one is in Biella Italy, the other in Columbia SA. The easiest way to tell on the modern ones is on the leather...
Borsalino gives the store owner the choice as to whether or not a logo should be printed on the bow of the hat. Most of our hats donot have them . Howeber many people think that if the hat does not have the "Borsalino" stamp on the hat, it isn't real. I find that most Europeans prefer the logo...
I found the card for the factory. The exact address for Alfa Geri was Levanella 68 Montevarchi Italy.
We tried to do business with them but by then they were pretty much out of business. they made very nice lightweight hats.
I know of this company. They closed up shop 10 years ago . They sometimes went by the name Alfa Geri . I have a business card from them somewhere in my collection.
Stetson and Biltmore both go up to a size 7 3/4 on the porkpie shapes. They never bought bigger blocks . In a regular centerdent shape , we stock up to a 8 1/4 by Biltmore. Art might be able to make one as he has bigger blocks and could hand shape a hat to a porkpie block...
I have to agree with Aaron. We get a lot of international orders and there are some countries that we just wont ship to. We have had too many problems wth certain parts of the world . Since it is difficult to verify a credit card outside of the US, the only way to be 100% certain is to request...
I could be wrong but I dont think there are any hat manufacturers left in France. There are a few companies such as Crambes that distribute hats using the Flechet label but that is about it.
Selentino hats are made in the Czeck Republic by Tonak. They also have the brand name Huckel.
Stick to the velour and Suede finishes. Thats what they do best.
I dont think there are more than 6 companies in the world who make their own fur bodies. Most of them buy from Thepsa and Tonak and Polkap.
I have to say that it is a nice looking hat. It is a shame that Stetson isnt offering more open crowns. The reality is that the general public would not appriciate or understand what to do with an open crown. Most of the other companies can make one but they rarely offer it .
I think the...
I've never seen that model in any of the catalogs. It could have been a special make up order for a store. Or , it could have been a style that never made it to production.
I think the Whippet will be a much better seller than the Nostalgia. Most people dont want to shape their own hat today and the teardrop shape is very popular. When I saw the sample, I instantly bought it in three colors.
I cant wait for it to come into my stores...
I can honestly say that there is an improvement from this year to last years quality control on the dress hats from Stetson. And if the hats come in like the samples that I saw , we shouldnt have any major problems this year.
We could still order the Nostalgia with a bound edge if we wanted to . Its just that there are limited numbers of people that would want the hat. I think the Whippet will be a better seller because it is preshaped. The trend today in hats with the public is low crown and small brims. We have a...
Whippet by Stetson
I am not sure if the block on the new Whippet is the same as the Chatham but it is a very nice looking hat. The sample which I saw was in a color called Tawny. It felt like a beaver quality hat but it is made in the soverign quality. It will sell very well. I just pray that...
When we looked at the new collection from Stetson this week, there wasnt one open crown hat in the line. I asked about the Nostalgia and was told that it is still available but there wasnt much enthusiasim in the response. I think that Hatco wants more preblocked hats . They sell much better. We...
All of the supply houses are gone. There are some places in Texas that suppply us with bands and hat stiffener among other items but you have to search around for many items that were once available.
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