Thank you! Yesterday's conversation was a delight for me! I am sure there will be one or two more like that in me as well as the boring look at me in my new hat posts. :)
Lizzie... Everything in life is apples. Burlesque is the same -- some love apples and some hate apples. But even with apples some are sweet and some are sour. I am not naive enough to say Burlesque then or now was completely innocent, but I think people have the wrong idea of what it was/is over...
Thank you! That was really sweet. I enjoy conversations that challenge my own thinking and opinions on things. It helps me evolve or strengthen my own beliefs. Even if they get heated or silly or just boring... It keeps my mind free. You really are sweet!
And who is "authority"? Who is it that can tell me what I can or cannot do with my life? Believe me, I am also a believer in everything has it's place... I am not going to go to the grocery store in a rhinestoned bra if the store doesn't call for it. But yes, sticks and stones... how immature I...
I think it goes to far when it destroys individuals. When it becomes forceful and oppressive to others. When the recipient is no longer a willing participant in the result. I also think that it is the individual to take responsibility for themselves. While a book on how to make a bomb may in...
You are so entertaining! That is why I said my example is symbolic and not literal. I know you would never go into such a crass place. What is wonderful about you and this whole conversation is that while it started out as me feeling unwelcome is now I feel even more inspired! This conversation...
You're right once again -- How wrong of me to feel insulted when you say I am wrong at what I do. Here is the thing about judgement. If you and I were in a theatre and you were dressed nicely in your suit and I was stripping out of mine, my judgement of you would not keep me from saying hello to...
I'll be honest with you, Lizzie, as a general rule shows do not allow people under 18, however... I have done shows where there are younger children in the audience (with parents) but the shows are no more raunchy than a belly dance show. We do not market our shows as family friendly mind you --...
It's simply this... I don't think it's wrong for you to not want to come to my show. You don't care for stripping. I don't think that is worse than me thinking it's not. Its when you tell me what I do is wrong -- ESPECIALLY when you have no true insight to all that is involved with the...
As someone who is a bit more out there than you, I find this just as wonderful as if you had 17276478234 partners. What is what I find upsetting about this conversation, is that I don't think myself better or worse than you for your choices, just different. Yet the same courtesy is not being...
I don't hide behind anything -- I am a stripper after all...
And isn't being nothing more than a sexual object doing nothing but listening to the needs and demands of men? Loving them telling me what to do.
Honestly, I can't argue this because I am not a parent, but as a non parent I can't understand it being society more than lazy parenting. Sure, people will do what they want in the end, but in the end I think of it like this -- you can raise a catholic child in a Jewish neighborhood. <--- this...
You, as a man, must be right, when you say that the choices I make as a woman, to work both the business side and the creative side of sexual entertainment and do what it takes to be a better business woman and creative women to not only advance my chosen career as an adult entertainer but...
They absolutely are, but many find nothing wrong with that. My problem was not with you saying that stripping adds to the sexualaztion of women, but to say that, to use your words, "she's a stripper, nothing more" is insulting. You are telling me that I am a stripper and nothing more. Hey there...
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