And that is the crux as to why we had to wait to post it on our website until now (as you'll see it is up there now). There are only so many emails I can keep up with - I'm only one person. As it stands I'm still behind but not as much as I was. If we posted the statement at the same time I...
You are exactly right, we just don't know. At first we thought it was only within the last year, but now it seems that probably isn't the case. We really do not know how long this has been going on for.
As I've said, and many others have said, if you are in doubt please email me. I'm doing...
Sorry, we don't have a drawer in our photo catalogue system for the Trail Rider but I guess we must have some photos here, I'll add it to my list of things to check with my dad! :)
Ken looked at your photo, and said that your Highwayman is Steer, without a shadow of doubt.
Please email me about this... in fact I just realised I think you have? Will reply shortly!
Sorry for the lack of responses over the weekend, I've had to move to Galashiels at the weekend and have no internet in my new flat yet, so will try and get back to everyone today.
You are right, the Steer does cost a few cents more than the FQHH, and because of the weigth it's also slightly more expensive to ship but this is more than offset by the ease and speed it can be cut. Steer offers bigger hides and less marks which results in less waste, therefore ulimately...
I heard about your combo jacket, and shockingly you don't seem to be the only person who's been landed with this! Mortified doesn't begin to cover it, but at least that is behind us now.
Glad to hear everything was sorted out for you in a timely fashion.
Thats a good point, if you love your jacket please don't feel you NEED to part with it over this. If you'd just like to know what it is, then feel free to drop me some photos for examination, and we'll sort an apology for you if you've been duped and still want to keep it!
Glad your repair...
This is only one of the problems we're dealing with in the wake of Will's time as MD of Aero, but none of which I can go into on a public forum I'm afraid.
I'm not sure? Sorry, did you identify yourself as Cuthbert on the mail? If so, then sorry I didn't. I've just gone over the photos I've been sent with Ken and am about to email all the customers back who have sent pictures.
Okay, here are some images to show the differences in weight between our A-2 Horsehide, Front Quarter Horsehide, and the C/E Ultra Heavy Steerhide.
Please note, the Steer we've selected at random seems to be excessively heavy, but gives you a clear indication of the differences in weight...
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