As a former magician...
As a former magician and current film student, Hugo was something special to me when I saw it and it had one of my favorite quotes, although I really cannot choose just one, here is something that is just plain special to me.
"If you've ever wondered where your dreams...
Hello, I am currently a film student taking a motion graphics class. I need to create my perfect world as the environment and I can think of nothing better than a world well dressed. I need pictures (preferably full body) of you, your friends, whatever. I will be creating a 3d world with them...
Yes, that is what I meant, I was using the terminology of the sources I could find with that style.
Thanks, I like the site *and* it's within m price range for the most part.
I am trying to find slimline or (Preferably) very slimline bow ties, however they are quite difficult to track down. I was wondering if there was a way to make standard (butterfly) bow ties into slimline or if there are good places to find them online.
To clarify, I mean self tie, not...
There is always the Tennant longcoat from Magnoli. I personally love the style and from what I can tell it is fairly durable. There is a nice choice in color and fabric, which is why Magnoli is so great.
I personally think it is not a matter of where the hat is, but where the the hat is in relation to how you carry yourself. I carry myself in a manner that looks best with the hat tilted slightly forward and a bit to the side (Let me stress a BIT, not too much). But that is what works for my...
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