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  • Hey dude, my washed cuoio thedi coming tomorrow...great minds think alike!
    Great. I'll bet you'll really like it! Please post photos.
    Hey my friend good to see you still alive and kicking . I’ve been gone for awhile but I’m back now hope your enjoying your summer ! All The Best , Fashion Frank
    Hey..good to hear from you FF. Unfortunately I am down in Houston Texas at MD Anderson Cancer Center Right now for another week or so. I was diagnosed with cancer a little over a year ago. This is my fourth trip to Texas from Indiana. I lost my Wife to cancer in 2016 after 38 yrs of marriage. Things can change so quickly.
    fashion frank
    fashion frank
    Geez sorry to hear that my friend , I don’t have cancer but I just over Hepe C and have other Hepe C related medical issues , so I can relate . Very sorry to hear about your wife my condolences , boy you’ve been hit with a double wammie! I’ll keep you in my prayers my friend and hope you get better soon . All The Best, Fashion Frank
    Hi HoosierDaddy. I have been away for some time, busy playing jazz and working too. I am missing some of the personalities here .... baron Von Kurtz ... James Powers ....Atomic Era Tom. I miss their writings, but perhaps they will be back again - hopefully.
    Just to wish you and your loved ones my friend, good health and many happy memories over the next year. Thanks for making TFL the great place it has become!! Best Wishes, Paddy.
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