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Just another fella finding his way along this journey, while maintaining a low profile , staying true to my self, bypassing all the bullshit this world has on tap ( & wheeew! Their is plenty, ********,.....) & doing as i please, when i please - Social graces be ********** ! - .
Always located outside the fray , i've grown up, & into a lone wolf. I keep a small group of friends , aquaintances, & such - always have - . I believe in "Quality over quanity" & subscribe to it devoutedly.
I enjoy Men's fashions through the differant era's. I find it essential to becoming and being a man to have sampled from all variety in men's fashion, therefore finding what works , & what doesn't. Helps to build self confidence, & shows a sense of humor, lightness, as well as courage. Show's a fella knows thyself. It's fun, most importantly.
I like Motorcycles, & have 2 :
1972 Honda Cb350K S.S. ( now for sale,...... ; )
1998 Harley-Davidson Sportster XLCH 1200
No wife, No crumb-grabbers. I. E. FREEDOM (Que Angels choir )
My aspirations since my engagemnt ended some time ago, & having grown up as a result of said incident, has been to travel. So with time and much thought, my journal, & a pen, I set about constructing the blueprint.
The result:
Aboard a motorcycle, set off & by way of back roads, old routes ( 66, old spanish trail, etc,...) & any road in between that can be safely driven on & through , see each and every state in N. America.
No intertate Hwy's ( unless absolutely necessary )
* No rush ( unless some pissed off father/ husband/ brother or all 3 are in pursuit, locked 'n loaded )
Just take my time , not just SEE America, EXPERIANCE, Feel, Smell America. Or what's left of the original land pioneers experianced,.....
I plan to do so as though it were 1933: Tent, essentials, fire-arm, hunting essentials should ifind myself in circumstances where i'll have to do so to survive. Basically vagabonding along the grid, while keeping off said grid as much as it allows, and figure out where "Home" for me lies, if there is such a thing , for me that is,.....
Once the states have been covered , put together my journals from my time engaged - to end point of travels stateside , my photograpy documenting the experiance , & find an editor, publisher ,.... publish all into a book. Whether or not for mass consumption isnt the point, though it's certainly the agenda. The point is to compile a document that is tangible, can be passed along to the successive generation of my family, adding to an already rich history.
That's above all, if i can find success with the public will be a bonus & means to either set up stakes or continue traveling further.
I am not one who suffers fools wih any patience, or tolerance. I have no need to be among the mass herd of sheep, just going , because,.....
I find fads, and such to be of minimum interest , & when i usually find the attraction , it's past it's expiration date, which i prefer. That or i happen to stumble into ______ before it becomes the norm - mundane- wherethen i promptly lose interest.
I dislike labels.
I dislike racist ideology ( Idiotology ).
I dislike Religion ( organized/unorganized ).
I extremely dislike authority of any variety.
I like freedom.
I like common sense.
I like heart, strength, values, integrity, decency, & compassion.
" I have a dream, a dream that one day, my children will be JUDGED , not by the color of their SKIN, but by the content of their CHARACHTER"
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
My heroes:
Dr. King
Jimmy Dean ( both. Hey, I like the sausages, what can i say ?!? )
The underdog

Apr 17, 1981 (Age: 43)
Hell (S. FL
Ebay ID
Semi - Retired


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