Here's the only other ten year apart shot on the layout, of the first run of the mainline. The turntables weren't in at that time.
This is the same locomotive and cars.
On August 12, 2014, I ran the very first movement of a locomotive on my layout, using ET&WNC # 12 on a small section of the layout with a spur in place. My friend Robert Scott and I started laying track from one end to the other and had maybe gotten 4 feet of mainline in at this point, on...
My wife and I went to see "The boys in the boat" on Christmas Day.
Aside for a very British train and station standing in for the Seattle depot, it was a good film.
I recently got the digital proof for my article for the Kalmbach 2024 Model Railroad Planning Annual complete with Model Railroader-produced track plan. That was surreal to me to see that as I never thought I'd see my own layout in one of their trackplans.
I assume it'll be out in December or...
Here's my latest magazine appearance. They came out to shoot stills and video not long ago.
It's not much if you REALLY want to see it.
It's just a jacket. I have several A2's all patched up that I'll sometimes wear out. In over 30 years of doing so, nobody has EVER said anything other than to say how cool it looks or to ask where I got it. This one got signed by Robert Morgan about a year before he passed and HE had no issues...
I took my 1944 MB to the local 4th of July parade yesterday.
It's the nearest vehicle to the camera. First time it'd left the town I live in since before the pandemic started. It was SO nice to drive it more than a mile or so.
That said, I had quite a scare about a mile from the house, I heard...
I took some more shots last night, for a article I'm sending to the NMRA magazine. The vertical one is one I'm going to submit, but in color. I really like the 'old photo' effect on it, though.
It's been a bad couple of weeks for me and I'm just in a place where I can post about it.
My parents were both born in 1936, and well into their 30s when I was born. They had all the types of issues you expect from people past their mid-80s.
Dad got sick, went to the hospital, got COVID along...
The NMRA 4th region convention was last week. It was a nice event, I gave a presentation on military railroad operations for model railroads.
I also won third place overall for the photo contest. They combined the real and model photos and mine was the only model photo to place.
This is the...
Over the weekend, I put up the original builder's plate for an Army ALCO S2 locomotive on the wall of the layout room, which fits in with the layout's timeframe:
Then, I cut the cover off a copy of O Scale trains with my newest cover, and added it to the 'wall of fame':
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