*Political Spectrum: center-left, moderate progressive, social libertarian (support social saftey net) - at least according to political quizzes I took; very anti-authoritarian (according to a quiz pertaining to that). - I like Beau of The Fifth Column YouTube channel, The Bulwark, and scanning Daily Kos where it concerns socio-political commentary.
*Social Media: None (see below).
Please Note: I had another acct. here connected with a prior email. I had used that email, and ph# at the time, to use Twitter. Unfortunately, my Twitter acct. was hacked in Sept., and I also did a factory reset on my phone while dealing with that, subsequently losing everything. I could not recall the PW I had for here, and not able to access my old email acct., chose to re-register. As a result of the incident with Twitter, I had to get a new email and ph# (and re-register here). My old acct. ID was Old Mariner.
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