I probably would prefer the way the blue one fits. I like to wear a sweater under my jacket when it gets cold. The other doesn’t look like it would have room for one.
You’re right I’m not huge. I am a little overweight for my height though. I just find it hard to believe a medium is what their sizing guide says I should order. I do have a couple of jackets that are size large and my Barbour jackets are size 44. Most of the jackets I own are xtra large or size...
I have been thinking of buying a Cockpit B15 in nylon. My question is about sizing. The sizing tool on there website shows I should purchase a medium. I’m 64 years old and haven’t worn a medium since probably the late 1980s. generally I wear a xtra large sometimes a large. Anyone own one of...
Picked one up used at an estate sale. Looks to be unused. Can’t find any info on this particular jacket online. I can find info about propper just not this jacket. Also is there a way to get the wrinkles out of it or should I just have it dry cleaned and hope that takes care of it.
This surprises me. From the reviews I’ve read I thought id Be told to go for the Schott, it’s about $100 more. I have a Bean jacket with the one piece back and know it’s a solid jacket. It has thinsulate lining the one I’m looking at doesn‘t. That’s why I’m interested in it. The one I’m looking...
I’ve been looking to buy another jacket. There is one of each of these for sale in my area. The LL Bean is their older A2 style American made with the one piece back and the Schott is their take on the G2 Raider. I own an LL bean jacket from this era so know they’re a pretty decent jacket. I...
I purchased a leather jacket from the late 70s early 80s from an online auction site. The size on the jacket should be a perfect fit if not a little large. I can fit into it but it looks like I’ve been poured into it. I know newer leather jackets will stretch as you wear them but how about older...
Found a Schott 674 I might purchase instead. Are they about the same quality as the bean jacket. I know they’re not exact copies of WWII flight jackets but that’s okay with me.
I’ve been looking for a size 46 or 48 bean one piece back made in USA flight jacket. All of them I’ve found so far have been tagged long or tall. Can someone tell me how much longer they would be compared to the regular length so I can compare it to some of my other jackets. Thank you in advance.
Gypsy moth, I have a older Belstaff that I’ve thought about selling. It’s labeled a size 44 and won’t fit me anymore. I really believe it’s a little smaller than a 44. If you think you could be interested I’ll take some pictures of it and measure it for you.
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