Greetings Regan,
It's great to hear from you, too, old friend. It's my hope to retire some day and make hats in earnest again. In the meantime, there's always room for more tools and machines in my life.
Be well,
I don't know much about this old H. Grossmann (pre 1943) machine except that I believe it's referred to as a Hearn cutter and was used to trim the under-welt on wired straw hat brims. The fact that it was advertised on Ebay as a hat brim trimmer intrigued me enough to take a chance and drop a...
Great looking new toy there Robert. His hat blocks also look excellent and are really quite affordable. I'm happy to have my antique blocks and tools, but if I were just starting out I'd definitely go this route.
Not to get too philosophical Max, but life's interconnectivity never ceases to amaze me. For instance, you help people have the ability to smile and, if I'm lucky, I help people regain the desire to. The payoff and the power are in the smile and the methods are two sides of the same coin...
Hola Max. It's great to hear from you. I'll definitely check out Brent's Facebook page. Funny you should mention the conformateur. I spent months repairing and restoring it to it's original glory and I recently used it to measure a beautiful, hat-loving woman from Atlanta. It's one of my most...
Hey Terry. Good to hear from you bud. I hope you and yours are all doing well. I pretty much scratched that itch with the new hat. A ready to wear line of hats would definitely be the way to go, with only the occasional custom thrown into the mix. I'm still plugging away at my full time job...
Excellent to hear from you as well Brent. As my first online customer and with the volume of hats we collaborated on over the years , you helped me learn the craft along the way. The challenges you threw my way definitely made me a better hat maker. I'll always be grateful to you and all the...
I did extensive repairs on an old parlor guitar several years ago. The action was still too high for it to be anything but a slide player. Still, it has that old timey sound that only those very early guitars can manage.
Hey Jack. Talk of your May Bell brought back fond memories. I have an old no name "rescue" guitar, likely a Stella, in the closet that's probably not worth my time or effort to repair, but the thought still rolls around in the back of my brain...persistently.
I do understand the exitement of the whole problem/solution dynamic even if I no longer embrace it. I've landed more in the no problem, no solution required camp.
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