Yes, however, because the pattern is essentially the same, and maybe this is secret or it isn't, but when I asked, it seems it's still request-able.
I reckon that for someone just a bit shorter than I am tall, it would be perfect for all seasons; even for me, for late spring, summer, and early fall, unbuttoned, it's great.
Might return to Aero after, but for the next jacket, going to give Rugged West a chance, because Leilah is willing to...
Looking to sell this spring so that I might have a new jacket made in time for the summer! Help this fine Type III find its home in your wardrobe!
So, I received word about the german Winter Jacket:
"Guten Tag Herr Feliks,
bei uns werden die Jacken für den Kunden angefertigt. Dazu sollte man in unser Geschäft kommen und eine Musterjacke anprobieren, damit man die Änderungen und Wünsche des Kunden berücksichtigen kann. Wir versenden...
Oh, we're on a track! I dreamt last night that, the company MrPropper suggested, refused to ship, because it didn't fit with their jacket making philosophy, but they would make me a jacket if I came down to Germany--so then I spent the rest of the dream calculating how much...
So, as I delve into the history of this company, it seems that back in the day, Aero did have dealings with them!
First pint is on me if you ever come through the Baltic states here in Eastern Europe, or if I pass through wherever you are I can't believe it; I'm even going to save up and get a full deerskin dress suit made, because, of course I will ;) Will keep you all posted, and will start a new thread...
This is an epic, epic, jacket - and buckskin! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the expertise on this forum - I would never in a million years have found this jacket had you not posted it. Love at first sight, it exactly fits the "ethos" I'm going for. Wrote them for a quote!
I love Filson and their jackets are as-old as the Levi's Type II and older - I would consider a Filson short cruiser, 26" length, or a Riders Jacket from Freenote Cloth, but in leather--I've asked around if anyone will make one for me. Still, at the end of the day, see below for my favourite...
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