Quite some months ago, I dropped The Hattery a line to ask when they'd be getting the Federation Deluxe back in stock in Moonstone grey. The response indicated late February or March, and asked whether I'd like them to keep one aside for me and let me know when it arrived. I took them up on...
Worth having a think about the practicalities if you want to wear felt in hot weather. The Cattleman has the benefit of the ventilation holes, which the Snowy River and the Campdraft do not. I shave my head and so tend to avoid unvented felt in hot weather owing to otherwise having sweat rolling...
A lot will depend on what I'm doing that day - as well as season, but assuming it's a leather jacket day, then typically I'll pick the jacket based on what works best with what else I'm wearing. I usually start with one particular thing I want to wear, and everything else flows from that. It's...
I had a cafe racer I got rid of years ago because I couldn't get on with the look of it with collared shirts. I didn't wear t-shirts for years, but now I have a handful that I wear some days in peak Summer, I've become intrigued by the style again. Not sure it'd be worth it for me, though, given...
Owned by New Balance last time I checked, who at least then had a good ethical reputation. Always remind me of a Converse All Star, but with a little bit of a chunkier look. I like them.
Horses for courses, really. Wool can be warmer, but having had more than a few much-loved wool knits destroyed by moths over the years, I have an instinctive preference for cotton for that reason. Cotton knits also tend to be cheaper, which is a big plus for me these days.
Worth dropping them a line to get put down for one when they next get stock in - they dropped me a line as soon as they had them in, and mine was always put aside for me. Not sure how much of a wait it would be, but at least it's a guarantee...
Ah! Interesting. I've been tempted by one as a statement piece - maybe if they do another colour, as I already have a couple of fedoras in brown and one in the midnight blue, the two colours they've done. My Hatcentre hats don't have as much ribbon, but they are just a touch deeper, with a...
Be interesting to see if they put a sole like that on any of their production boots in due course. Had a look and they look like quality boots around the same price as a pair of Iron Rangers here. The regular sole isn't so much to my tastes, but if they change that it could be an option in...
That's been the legal baseline for a long time, I believe. I remember it becoming an issue years ago with guitars labelled "Made in USA" when not all the parts were. Mattered a lot to a lot of folks who were, for various reasons, paying a significant price premium for the "Made in USA" status...
I still have one of these somewhere I bought for wearing to a retro club night in 2001. All of £15. I doubt it fits me now, alas. When I first really became actively interested in clothes when I was about 14 (I'd always had firm opinions on what I would NOT wear, but that was when I started...
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